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Roll No. 18ERACEO2, , Total, , No of Pages: |3, , 1E2403, B. Tech. I- Sem., , (Main/Back) Exam.,, , Dec. 2019, IFY2-03 Engineering Chemistry, , Time: 3 Hours, , Maximum Marks: 160, Min. Passing Marks: 56, , Instructions to Candidates:, , Attempt all ten questions from Part A, five questions out of seven questions from, Part B and four, questions out of five from Part C., Schematic diagrams must be shown wherever, necessary. Any data you feel, missing may suitably be assumed and stated clearly. Units of quantities, used Icalculated must be stated, clearly., Use of following supporting material is, permitted during examination., , (Mentioned in form No. 205), 1. NIL, , 2. NIL, , PART-A, (Answer should be given up to 25 words only), , [10x3-30], , All questions are compulsory, Q.1 Define Caustic Embrittlement., , [3, , Q.2 What is break point chlorination ?, , (3, , Q.3 Give 2-2 examples of secondary solid fuel, secondary liquid fuel and, secondary gaseous, fuel., , 13, , Q4 What is Cetane number?, , (3, , Q5 State Pilling-Bedworth rule., , [1E2403], , [31, Page 1of3, , (7780]
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Q.6 Why, , does corrosion, , in steel, , occur, , pipe connected, , to copper, , plumbing?, , (3, , Q.7 Why Gypsum is added in the cement?, Q.8 What do you understand by, , Q.9 How Aspirin, , is useful in, , [3, , 131, , steam emulsion number?, , prevention of heart, , 3, , attacks?, , [3, , Q.10 State Markovnikov's nule., , PART-B, , Analvtical/Problem solving questions, , 5x10-50], , Attempt any five questions, [10], , Q.I Explain zeolite method of water softening, , [10), , Q.2 Discuss the flue gas analysis by Orsat's apparatus., , Q.3, , What do you understand, , by calorific value? Distinguish between gross and, , [10], , value., , Q.4 Explain sacrificial, , net calorific, , anodic, , Q.5 Define flash and, , fire, , protection method, , point, , to minimize corrosion., , and its determination, , [101, , using PENSKY MARTIN, , [10], , apparatus., , Q.6 Explain Fischer Tropsch process with, , neat and, , labelled diagram., , [10, , Q7 Explain electrophilic substitution reactions of benzene with the help of suitable, , [10, , example., , [1E2403], , Page 2 of 3, , [77801
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PART-C, [4x20-80], , Descriptive/Analytical/Problem Solving/Design Questions), Attempt any four questions, Q.l, , Calculate, , litres, , the, , quantity, , of, , lime and sodium carbonate, , hydrated, , required, , to soften, , 20,000, , [20], , saltsof water containing following, , CaCOs, , mg/litre, MgCO3, , 10.0, , =, , mg/litre assuming the purity, 0.26 gm coal, , Q.2 (a), , =, , 8.4, , of lime, , as, , mg/litre,, , and, Calculate the percentage of carbon, , (b), , fuel, , having, , 1% and, , 11.1 mg/litre,, , 0.039 gm of, , MgSO4, , =, , water, , and 0.245, , gm, , =, , 6.0, , 48%, CH4, , =, , combustion, , 8%, H2, , of CO2., , [10], , hydrogen in it., , air required for complete, , the composition: CO, , =, , carbonate 95%., 90% and that of sodium, , sample gave on combustion, , Calculate the volume of, , CaCe2, , =, , of Im* of gaseous, , 40%, C2H2, , =, , 2%, N2, , =, , [10, , remaining being ash., , Q.3 Write short notes, (a), , Pitting corrosion, , (b), , Dry theory, , Q.4 Write, , [101, , short notes-, , (a), , Borosilicate glass, , (b), , Significance of annealing, , (c), , Extreme pressure lubrication, , (d), Q.5 (a), , (b), , [1E2403], , [10, , of corrosion, , Setting, , 51, , 5, , and Hardening of Portland, , Explain, , free radical, , Describe the, , 5, , cement, , 10, , halogenation of alkane., , synthesis, properties, , Page, , and, , uses, , 3 of 3, , of, , Aspirin., , [6+2+2 101, , [7780]
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Roll No., , Tlotal No. of Pages, , &EKAME e 32, , 1E2403, B.Tech. I-Semester (Main) Examination, Dec. -2018, BSC, , IFY2-03 Engineering Chemistry, , (Commonfor all Branches)_, Maximum Marks: 160, , Time: 3 Hours, Instructions to Candidates:, , Attempt all ten questions from PartA, any five questions out of seven questions, , from Part B and any four questions out offive from Part C. (Schematic diagrams, must be shown wherever necessary). Any data youfeel missing suitably be assumed, and stated clearly Units of quantities usedcalculated must be stated clearl, , Part A, , (Answer should be given up to 25 words only). All qustions are compulsory., , (10x3-30), 1., , What is Calgon conditioning?, , 2., , What is Octane number?, , 3., , Define corrosion., , 4., , What is lime saturation factor in cement?, , 5., , Structure and uses of Aspirin., , 6., , What is annealing of glass ?, , 7., , Cloud and pour point., , 8, , Composition and uses of coal gas., , 9., , Advantages of gaseous fuels., , 10. Hardness of water., Part, , B, , (Analytical/Problem solving questions). Attempt any five questions., 1., , Explain the problems of priming and its preventions in boilers., What is carbonization of coal? Describe Otto Hoffmann by product oven method, -, , 2., , (5x10=50), , of carbonization., 1E2403 /2018
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5., , What is municipal water? Explain the sterilization process to get drinking grade, water., , 4., , Describe process of dry corrosion and the importance of pilling Bedsworth's rule., , 5., , Explain composition, preparation, properties and uses of borosilicate glass., Explain electrophilic substitution in benzene, What is viscosity of oil? Describe viscosity measurement of oil by Red wood's, , 6., 7., , viscometer number -1., , Part C, , (Descriptive/Analytical/Problem Solving/Design question). Attempt any four, questions., (4*20= 0), 1., , What is water, , with diagram., , softening?, , Describe water, , softening by De-mineralization process, (5+10+5-20), , What is calorific value? Explain the determination of calorific value of coal, with, diagram, by a Bomb - Calorimeter., , 3., , a), b), , (5+10+5-20), Explain the phenomena of galvanic corrosion by taking suitable example.(10), Describe any two methods of protection from corrosion., , What is cement?, with diagram and, 5., , (5+5-10), , Describe cement manufacturing by, reactions involved in the process., , a), , Explain thick layer mechanism of lubrication., , b), , Describe the, , 1E2403, , a, , rotatory, , synthesis, properties and uses of paracetamol., , kiln, , technology, (5+5+5+5-20), (10), (6+2+2-10)
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Total No of Pages: 3, , Roll No. 11ETCCE02, , 1E2205, B. Tech. II Sem. (Maih) Exam., May -2018, , N, , CY-101 Engineering Chemistry, , Maximum Marks: 80, , Time: 3 Hours, , Min. Passing Marks: 28, , Instructions to Candidates:, Attempt any five questions including Question No. 1, which is Compulsory., All questions carry equal marks. Schematic diagrams must be shown wherever, necessary. Any data you feel missing suitably be assumed and stated clearly., , Units of quantities usedlcalculated must be stated cleary, Use offollowing supporting material is permitted during examination., , (Mentioned inform No.205), 1., , 2. NIL, , NIL, , Q.1, , COMPULSORY, Answers for each subquestion be given in about 25 words., , 8x2=16], , (a)Explain scaleand sludge formation., , 6What is meant by, , the, , term, , cracking?, , (c)Arrange n-octane, naphthalene, iso-octane in increasing order of their knocking, , tendency., Define degree of polymerization., (e), , What is meant by thermal Spalling?, , Discuss four essential properties of, , a, , good refractory., , eWrite the name and composition of Portland cement., , hDefine the, (1E2205], , term, , lubricant and mention their important functions., , Page 1 of 3, , 19700]
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Q.2 (a), , [8], , Discuss the treatment of ground water to be used for domestic purposes, , )What, , is, , softening, , of water?, , Explain, , the softening of, , water, , by, , Zeolite, , metno, , 81, , with diagram and chemical reaction., , Q3 (a), , How gross calorific value of a solid fuel is determined by Bomb Calorimeter. 1B, , (6), , what is water gas and its composition? How it is prepared on industrial scale, , Q4 (a), , Explain its uses., , [8], , A sample of water having the following analysis:-, , [8], , Mg(HCO)h, , 73 mg/L, , Ca(HCO3), , 162 mg/L, , CaSO, , 136 mg/L, , CaCl2, , 111 mg/L, , MgClh, , 95 mg/L, , NaCl, , 58.5 mg/L, , Calculate the temporary, permanent & total hardness of water in terms of Clark, , degree., (b), , Calculate the weight of air needed for complete combustion of 5.0 kg of a coal, containing 80% carbon, 15% hydrogen and rest is oxygen., , 18], , Q5)Explain the mechanism offluid and boundary lubrication., , 8], , b) i), i), , [1E2205], , Explain the importance of "timing" in corrosion control., Why iron pipe is galvanized?, , Page 2 of 3, , 14], 4], , 9700]
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Q.6 Describe with, , a, , neat, , diagram, , how Portland Cement is, , manufactured by, , Explain chemical reaction involved in the process., Q.7 (a), , Classify various types of glass and write short notes on:-, , wet, , process., , [16], , [8, , )Borosilicate glass, (i), , Alumino silicate glass, , (ii) Optical glass, b), , [4+4-8], , Write short notes on:S e g e r Cone Test, ), , [1E2205], , R.U.L Test, , Page 3, , of 3, , [9700
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Roll No. 18ERAET oo5, , Total No of, , Pages:, , 3, , 1E2403, B. Tech. I - Sem. (Main) Exam., May 2019, BSC, , 2FY2 03 Engineering Chemistry, (Common for all branches, Maximum Marks: 160, , Time: 3 Hours, Instructions to Candidates:, , Attempt all ten questions from Part A, five questions out ofseven questions.from, Part B and four questions out of five from Part C., Schematic iagrams must be shown wherever necessary. Any data you feel, missing may suitably be assuned and stated clearly. Units of quantities, used Icalculated must be stated clearly., , Use of following supporting material is permitted during, , xamination., , (Mentioned in form No. 205), 2. NIL, , 1.Calculator (Non Programmable), PART-A, , (Answershould be given up to 25 words only), , [10x3=30], , All questions are compulsory, Q.1, , What, , are, , the, , advantages of break point chlorination?, , (3, , 02 State harmful effects of Scale and Sludge formation in boilers., , Q3, , What, , are, , the characteristics of good, , [3, , metallurgical Coke?, , (31, , Q4 Name the catalysts used for the synthesis of gasoline by Fischer-Tropsch Method., , Q.5 Define Octane, , Q6, , How, , No. of Gasoline., , [(3], , 13, , galvanizing protects iron from corrosion?, , 13], , Q.7 Why is gypsum added to cement?, Q.8 What is Annealing of glass? Give its importance., , 131, , Q.9 Name the additives mixed with lubricant used for Extreme pressure lubrication., , 13, [3, , Q.10 What is Nucleophile?, , [162403], , Page 1 of 3, , 4200]
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PART-B, (AnalyticalVProblemsolving questions), , 5x10-50], , Attempt any five questions, , A, , water sample contains, , *.0Ppm, CaClh=, , Or ime, , following, , 11.1 ppm,, , impurities: Ca, , MgSO4, , =, , 12.0, , ppm,, , (HCOs)2, , =, , 16.2 ppm, Mg, , and HCI= 7.3 ppm., , (HCO3)2, , Calculate, , 100,000, for softening of, (90% pure) and soda (85% pure) required, , quantity, , itres of hard, , [10, , water using 8.2 ppm of NaAl02 as a coagulant., , Q.2, , What are Zeolites?, , Explain softening, , of hard, , by, , water, , neat and, Zeolite method with, , [101, , well labeled diagram and reactions. How zeolite bed is regenerated?, , Q.3 Ulumate analysis of a fuel gave following results. C, , =, , 80%, H, , =, , 5%, O, , =, , 3%, S, , =, , 5,, , N= 5%, Ash = 25%. Calculate amount of air required for complete combustion of l kg, , [10], , of fuel if 50% excess air is supplied., , Q.4 What is Oil Gas? Give its synthesis, composition, calorific value and uses., , [10], , Q.5 What is Flash and Fire point of a lubricating oil? How is it determined by Pensky Martins, apparatus'? Also give its significance., , Q.6 What is, , glass?, , How is, , glass, , manutactured, , [10], by Tank furnace? Explain with, , labeled diagram., Q.7, , neat, , and well, , [10, , Write preparation, properties and uses of Paracetamol Drug., , [10, , [1E2403], , Page 2 of 3, , 4200)
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PART-C, , Descriptive/AnalyticalVProblem Solving/Design Questions), , [4x20-801, , Attempt any four questions, wnat, , Q.1, , 1s, , hardness of water? Explain, determination of hardness, , of, , water by, , complexometric method using EDTA., , 20, , Q.2 Define calorific value of fuels. How calorific value of solid fuels is determined by Bomb, , calorimeter? Describe with, , neat and well, , 20], , labeled diagram., , 9.3 What is Corosion? Explain theory of Electrochemical Corosion. What are the factors, , affecting corrosion of metals?, , (201, , Q.4 What are the various raw materials used for manufacturing of cement? Explain, , manufacturing, , of Portland, , cement, , with, , neat, , and well labeled, , Also give chemical reactions taking place during the process., , Q.5, , What, , are, , the different types of, , organic, , reactions?, , addition reactions with suitable examples., , Page 3 of 3, , [1E2403], , Explain, , diagram, , of, , Rotary, , Kiln., , [201, reaction mechanism of, , [20, , 4200]