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Q4. what is lawrel'? Give the literal as, well as the figucative meaning, Ans: Lawul', in the literal sense, means, the awards, medals or trophies received, the sportsman. The figunative meaning, by, e lawrel, of, that one Heceives on an achievement,, is the praise, and honowr, 25. what dous the port wish to be grariled?, How ?, Ans : The poct wishes to be granted with the, granted, ability, fray.., to, conquer, and Vuin over the, opponint by proving his worth in the, Q6. When does the poet wish to stand by, the Head with a Smile ?, Ans : The poeet wishes to stand, with a, the road, by, Smile as the winners go, Q7. How does the poet wish to lose ?, Ans ; The post wishes "lo lose like a, man änd mot like a craven ., Kegular, Q8. what does the poet ish, loses ?, And: Each time he loses, the poet wishes to take, his hat to the winners nho strode to, for each time he, of, Splendid victory and cheer them as, they go ty.
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Q2. Let me take off innies, a) For whom dois the pot wish to take eff, his hat ?, go by., Ans: The poct wishes to take off his hat, to the wariors who strode to, splendid nictory., b) nohat is the significance of, the hat ?, t, aking of, Taking f, Shewing rtspect, sign, Ans : the hat is as, of, appriciation., c) what does the poct wish to be taught?, and, Ans : The poet wishes to be taught To, the side a the Hoad and, of, stand by, cheer the" mi nners as, they go by., bliow