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SS TENCE CLASs 7TH, , 8. Fin in the blanks, , (a) Longer ting In, represents its, , (©) When ou, Ire, heater, it SWillehed ON in a room, , SPAN cess, , (a) The sa, effect oan |, Ans,, (8) positive, _ (©) battery, (ce) gets heated, (d) fuse wire, , 9. Mark ‘Tif the sta, False., , (a) To make a battery of two dells, the negative, terminal of one cell is connected to the, , negative terminal of the other Cell., , (b) When the electric Current through the fuse, exceeds a certain limit, the fuse wire melts, and breaks., , _ (@) An electromagnet does not attract a piece, of iron., , (d) An electric bell has an electromagnet., Ans., (a) False (F), to make a battery of two cells, the, , negative terminal of one cell is connected, to the positive terminal of the other cell., , = (0) True (T), (c) False (F), as an electromagnet attracts, magnetic material., , 1 on the heating, C Current is Called a, , tement is True and ‘F’ ifitis, , _ (d) True (T), , , , ic bags are not magnetic, “materials. Only magnetic materials can be, attracted by the magnet, so plastic bags do not, , | ¥ "get attracted by the magnet., , SS week &, , , , 1, , 12,, , 13., , , , Ans. No, we sh q, i ; Should not agree for 7, e, fuse by a place of wire see %, , As we know that fuse wire is Made up of, , Material which can be malt on pissin 3 5, amount of current or during any thortaeae, 'S replaced by some other wire mettine bo i t, may not take place on short 7, ©XC@SSiVve Current flow, , 4, , Circuiting or, and it May Cause firg, Zubeda made an slectric circuit USiNg a cai), holder shown in figure, a switch and a bulb, When she put the switch in the ON Position, , bulb did not glow. Help Zubeda in identifying, the possible defects in the circuit. ™", , ae, , Ans. These may be the rea, , t Sons by which bulb, will not glow:, , (i) Zubeda may have arranged the Cells not in, @ particular manner, i.e. terminals of cell, may not be in alternate form., , (li) May be the bulb used by Zubeda is. fuseg, one,, , (ili) May be the connecting wire in cell holder is nat, attached properly., In the circuit shown in figure, fa, A Bi: 3G, , (a) Would any of the bulb glow, when the, switch is in the OFF position?, , (b) What will be the order in which the bulbs A, Band Cwill glow, when the switch is, moved to the ON position?, , Ans., , (a) Any of the bulb will not glow when the —, switch is in the OFF position because circuit, is not complete., , (b) All the bulbs glow simultaneously as the, switch is moved to the ON position.