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Chapter – 7 Geography, Human Environment Settlement, Transport and Communication, •, , Human beings are dependent on environment., , •, , To grow food, build homes and developed better means of transport and communication,, human beings have modified the environment., , •, , Settlements:, (i), , Settlements are places where people build their homes., , (ii), , The settlements earlier grew near the river valleys as water was easily available and, land was fertile., , (iii), , Settlements can be permanent or temporary., , (iv), , Settlements which are occupied for a short time are called temporary settlements., , (v), , In permanent settlements, people build homes to live in., , (vi), , Settlements can be rural or urban. Rural settlements can be compact or scattered., People in rural areas practice agriculture. In urban area, people are mostly engaged in, services., , •, , Transport:, (i), , Transport is the means by which people and goods move., , (ii), , With the invention of wheel, transport, became easier., , (iii), , Earlier donkeys, mules, bullocks and camels were used for transportation., , (iv), , Earlier traders took land route or sea route for transportation. Now it takes only 6-8, hours to travel from India to Europe., , (v), •, , The four major means of transport are roadways, railways, waterways and airways., , Roadways: The most commonly used means of transport especially for short distances, are, roads. They can be metalled or unmetalled., , •, , Railways:, (i), , The railways carry heavy goods and peple over long distances quickly and, economically., , (ii), , The invention of steam engine and industrial revolution helped in speedy, development of rail transport., , (iii), , Diesel and electric engine have largely replaced the steam engines., , (iv), , Now super fast trains have been introduced to make travelling faster.
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(v), •, , •, , Indian railways network is the largest in Asia., , Waterways:, (i), , Waterways are the cheapest for carrying heavy and bulky goods over long distance., , (ii), , There are manly two types of routes, inland waterways and sea routes., , (iii), , Navigable rivers and lakes are used as inland waterways., , (iv), , Sea routes are connected through ports., , Airways:, (i), , It is the fastest means of transport developed in the early twentieth century., , (ii), , It is the only mode of transport to reach the most remote and distant areas especially, where there are no roads and railways., , (iii), , Some major airports in the world are Delhi, Mumbai, New York, London, Paris,, Frankfurt and Cairo., , •, , Communication:, (i), , Communication is the process of conveying messages to others., , (ii), , Different modes of communication are used to provide information, to educate as well, as to entertain., , (iii), , Through newspaper, radio and television, we can communicate with a large number, of people. They are, therefore, called mass media., , (iv), , Satellites, Internet, Wireless telephone are main modes of communication.