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2 2 a Unpacking Gender, , Facts That Matter f, * The word ‘Gender’ refers to the different values, attitudes and behaviours that are attached tg, , the roles of males and females by different social and cultural groups., + Inour society, boys and girls are treated differently from their early childhood. B, * Stereotypical gender roles like males are tough and females are the weaker sex, originate from, roles that are taught during childhood., + Boys are given guns and cars as toys and girls are given dolls and playhouses., Boys are told to be dominating and girls are told to be obedient. ,, The notion of sterotyping creates discrimination that results in inequality. It hampers the, individual growth, i, Women usually work much harder than their male counterparts. But unfortunately their, work which includes household activities and childcare is ignored in this male domina, society., + Rural women do even harder duty. Their activities are not confined to sowing and harvesting, buffalows along with looking after the cows, buffaloes and hens., The domestic maids in big cities also work very hard. They live under unhygienic conditic, and lead a humiliated life., The condition of urban educated women is not very different. They bear double re ibility, They work both inside and outside home. e, At work she has to perform her duties equivalent to her male counterpart. Once back home, the evening she has to complete the household chores. : i, The issue of women’s inequality is an international one. A well laid out planning is requiret, international level for gender equality. a, * Women were given due respect in earlier times but the situation changed gradually ar, discrimination against women increased,, * But today, education has empowered women to emerge as a powerful force in political a, economic spheres. Many women social activists have led strong movements for equality., Education makes women aware of their rights, their rightful place in the society and the:, that hamper their growth. 3, "frm neon neues ona a hg eons and a namo, for indianidemGsetey ry for the well-being of their family a, , Words that Matter 4, , * Stereotype : We create a stereotype when we see boys and girls i, at them as unique individuals. y ete ty fied roles andl ae, * Discrimination : Treating someone differently or making a distinction, i, * Gender : The term refers to the different values attitudes and behavi ; i, the roles.of males and females by different social and cultural es oats otec ¥, | | + Discriminating : Treating someone as inferior or lower in status. ; ‘, , BANE Da - 172 ig, , ey ee ae, aan a,