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Industrialists Resources map To understand the, (agricultural map, availability and, minerals map) distribution of agricultural, crops and other resources, Historians Historical maps To understand the history, of places, old boundaries, etc., Pilots Aeronautical charts To understand and follow, air routes, Captain of ships Nautical charts To understand and follow, water routes, Economists Economic maps, To identify the, Resources map consumption and, distribution of resources, Soldiers Defence maps To identify enemy, hideouts, difficulties in, their path etc., Administrators Physical maps, political To formulate and, maps implement plans and, policies, Climate researchers Climatic maps To identify different, climatic features in, different places, Agriculture experts Climatic map, agricultural | To understand the, map availability and, distribution of crops., , , , , , , , , , 5. What are the different types of maps?, , Political maps: A political map shows the state and national boundaries of a place. It, also shows the location of cities, with respect to each other., , Physical maps: A physical map is one which shows the physical features of a place or, country, like rivers, mountains, forests and lakes., , The physical features are usually shown in different colours., , Topographic Map: Topographical maps are similar to physical maps which show the, physical feature of an area., , Climatic map: A climatic map shows the information about the climate of different, areas., , Economic or Resource : Economic or resource maps show the different resources, present in the area or economic activity prevalent., , Road Map: road map is the most widely used map which shows different Roads,, Highways and Railways present in the area., , 6. How map making evolved from clay plates to digital technology?, , The Mesopotamian plates prepared on baked clay plates about 5,000 years ago, are, considered the oldest map., , Maps were prepared on leather and bronze plates during the period of the Greek, philosopher Anaximander who is believed to have prepared the first map., , The voyage by sailors and explorers like Columbus and Magellan led to the preparation, of more accurate maps., , Mercator who is known as the father of modern cartography and Abraham ortelius who, prepared an Atlas by combining many maps give new insight into the making of modern, maps., , The advancement of technology has now reached the level of computer maps and in the