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4, Social 5. Intermediaries, , Lesson — 6 (Retail and Wholesale Market), 3. Retail market, 4. Wholosaler 5, Producors, , Written, , 1, Market 2. Wholesale market, 1. Whole sale market 2. Retail market 3. Credit facility, 1. The place where sellers sell the product and buyers buy It is known as market, , 2. The place where goods are brought and sold in bulk is called wholesale market, , 3. The place where goods are brought and sold in small quantily is called as retail market, , 4. Intermediaries act as a link between producer and consumer., , 5S., , Manufacturer of a product is known as ‘Producer’.
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-___Wholesale Market _ | Retail Markot, 1. Dealsinlargequantities § | :, , on large scale., , Handles a small no. of Items, Sells to retailers and users ,, Sells at very low Margin of profit, Does not provide free, , home delivery to the consumer., It requires more capital investment., Aneed for godown is felt., , , , , , , , 1. Deals in srnall quantities, onsmall scale., , 2. Handles alarge no. ofiterns., , 3. Sellsdirectly to consumer., , 4. Sell at high margin of profit, , 5. Provides free home delivery, of good to consumer., , 6. Itrequires small amount, , of capital., , ae ON, , >, , Wholesalers keeps the stable supply of product by stabilizing the prices., Wholesalers advise retailers to keep balance between demand and supply., Wholesalers keep control on market fluctuation., Wholesalers ensure to the society about the possibility of large scale production., Wholesalers ensure to provide easy availability of goods., Wholesale market ensure a countinuous flow of trade and money for producers., Wholesaler listen to the complaints regarding quality, availability and price of goods., 3. Farmer produce fruits and vegetables, , . 1, , Noahwn>, , Fruits and vegetables ripe, Fruits/vegetables are packed in basket, Loaded in trucks, trains and sent to destination, , Unloaded in wholesale market, , Bought by retailers, , Sold to consumer, 4.4, The producer can get more prices forhis products fhe himself brings tin tne marketbuid, he has to sen? his productsin other states apart from the local market he has to take te, help of intermediaries., 2. The selling agent auctions the products among different buyers and acts as link betwe2", producers and the wholesaler., , 3, The wholesaler supplies the product to the retailers and the retailers to the consume".
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Intermedianes make goods available in time., The Intermodiaries help to stabilize prices., , Intermediaries act as a link between the producers and the consumers., Availability 2. Convenience 3. Credit. Quality 5. Price 6. Purchasing Power., , Availability : It is very important to maintain a balance between the demand and the, , supply of various products. Retail wholesale markets ensure the availability of the, products to the consumer throughout the year., , =a 3G, , Convenience : Itis very essential that the markets are conveniently approachable to the, consumers and they should get the goods conveniently near their residence., , Credit : Everyone cannot purchase every item on cash payment. Hence credit facility, helps them to buy goods on éasy installments. This add to the popularity of a market., , 4. Quality : The popularity of a market depends on the good quality of the products because, , how:a days consumers do not compromise with the quality of the products they, purchase., , 5, Price: The price of the goods should be affordable so that it should reach every section of, the society. Hence, in order to prevent the consumer from being driven away from the, market, the price of the goods should be reasonable and the quality should be good., , 6. Purchasing Power : Economic standard varies from person to person. Hence, in the, market stocks of different articles should be maintained keeping in mind the purchasing, power of the customers. All cheap and expensive things should be available in the, market., , We need many things from moming till night. All these things we need we get from retail, market. Near every locality or in every locality, there is a retail market. There are many shops, which give us many things like fruits, vegetables, milk and milk products bread, butter,, biscuits, eggs etc. Some other séll groceries, food grains, books etc. There are atta chakkies, where various grains are converted to flour. Then we have chemist shop which is open for, long hours so that medicines are easily available to sick people. So definitely a market isan, important place in our neighbourhood because it provides useful services by catering to our, daily needs., Manisa social being. He is dependent on others for fulfill his needs. So, a person who sells, goods brings his product in the local place where interested people buy it. This place is, known as market. Where seller sell their goods and buyers purchase it. There are two type of, market:1, Wholesale market : The place where goods are brought and sold in bulk are called, wholesale markets., , 2. Retail market: She place where goods are brought and sold in small quantifies is calleda, , retail markets., =