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Ans., , Ans., , Ans., , Ans., , Ans., , Ans., , Ans., , Long Answer Type Questions :, Write a note about the Early Medieval, Period and the Late Medieval Period., The Early Medieval period stretched, from 18th century to the 13th century., During this period many powerful, dynasties came into power in various, parts of Northern India. The Palas,, Pratiharas and Rashtrakutas ruled this, area. They were rooted by the foreign, invasions of the Turks, , The Lale Meuieval Period covers the, rule of the Turks. This period spans from, 13th centuru to 18th century. Many, foreign rulers like the Afghans and the, Iranis came to various parts of India., , How did India get her present name ?, ‘The French word inde means Hindu,, which further became India in English, during the rule of the British., , Write some major historical, developments during Medieval Period., ‘The main events that took place during, Medieval Period started with the defeat, of the Rajputana king Prithviraj Raj, Chauhan which led to rule of the Slave, Dynasty which followed by the rule of, the Khiljis, the Tughlags, the Sayyids,, and Lodis. later the Delhi Sultanate was, overpowerd by the Mughals., , How do archaeological sources help in, studying the history of a country ?, Archaeological sources like buildings,, temples, forts, tombs, ornaments, utensils etc. tell a lot about the, cilvilisation of that period. The Temples, at that time were the centre of art and, culture. They were also the centre of, education , thus they give a lot of, knowledge about these aspects of the, life of the people of that time., Write a note on the chroni, Medieval India., , Chronicles are the records of the lives of, the kings and activities conducted by the, kings. These records are in the form of, written records. These chronicles were, mostly written by the foreign rulers., , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , les of, , Ans., , Ans., , Ans., , Ans., , Ans., , Ans., , Ans., , Ans., , Ans., , c., 1., , Ans., , Some examples of the chronicles are, Rajtarangini by Kalhan, Vikramadevacharita of king Vikramaditya VI, Ain, Akbari and Akbamam by Abul Fazal etc., Chapter-2, Tick (' ) mark the correct option :, Word meaning a son of a king is :, (©) Rajputa, Delhi was ruled over by :, (b) the Tomars, This was the capital of Chandollas :, (b) Khajuraho, founded the Chola dynasty., (@) Vijayalaya, dynasty ruled over Deccan., (@) Rashtrakutas, These dynasties were engaged in, tripartite struggle., (d) Both (a) and (b), The tripartite struggle among the three, dynasties was for the right over :, (a) Gujarat, The inscriptions showing division of, power among different units of, administration under Chola dynasty, were found from :, (d) Gangaikondacholapuram, Identify the rulers =, 1. He founded Chola dynasty., Vijayalaya, 2. They called them the descendents, of the Sun and the Moon. The, Rajputas, 3. He declared himself Gangaikondachola. Rajendra Chola, 4, He defeated Mahmud of Ghazni it, the Battle of Tarain. Prithviraj, Chauhan, 5. He attacked India 17 times and, looted her wealth. Mahmud of, Ghazni, Short Answer Type Questions :, Why was there a struggle between the, Palas, Pratiharas and the Rashtrakutas ?, They fought for the power over the, kingdoms of north and Gujarat., , , , , , , , Social Science -7 /(3), , How and when Prithviraj Chauhan was, defeated ?, , Prithviraj was defeated in the Second, Battle of Tarain in 1192. He was, defeated by Muhammad of Ghori, Who was Muhammad of Ghori ? Which, ruler declined to help Prithviraj Chauhan, to fight against Muhammad of Ghori ?, Muhammad of Ghori was the ruler of, Ghor in Afghanistan. He defeated, Prithviraj Chauhan because Raja, Jaichandra of Kannauj did not help, Prithviraj Chauhan., , , , 0, , Mobile view, , Ans., , merely escaped his life. After a year, he, again arranged his army and attacked, Prithviraj with larger army and, resources. This time Prithviraj Chauhan, was defeated and arrested by Ghori. He, later killed Prithviraj Chauhan., , Prithviraj Chauhan could have won the, Second Battle of Tarain, too, but he was, defeated. Why ?, , Prithviraj Chauhan could have won the, battle against Ghazni, but he got, defeated as the king of Kannauj, Raja, Jaichandra did not help him in the battle.