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(a thie lhapter, , , , atred is an intense feeling of disike for ga { slik ra 4, someone or something. It generally arises | [ern ea, , due to revenging attitude and past rivalry, It, , often leads to violence. ‘An eye for an eye’ ls 4 |, wrong prine iple, Its consequence is continued, violence for a long, long time, It is wise (o settle, , the disputes calmly, Love extended in reply to, hatred, ends the hatred forever, , Children, instead of hatred, we should learn to plant the seeds af love within ourselves, , Read the following poem, Love when It doesn't seem that the sun lan't going to shine, , Love when you're having a diffic ult time putting the painful memories behind, Love when the floods seem like they can't get any higher,, , When the rain seems to be getting bad,, , And the storm seems to be getting worse, , Love for the sake of being an emotional healthy and peaceful person,, , Love even you are tempted to returh evil for evil, , Love out of obedience, and know that,, , God's love knows how to love all people, , Love, because, although you may net see the solution,, , It doesn't mean that solution Is not there, , Love when you've had enough of being the only one WhO Cares,, , Love simply because it's the right thing to do, , Love because It strengthens others - not to mention what it will de for you,, Love is the answer to the problem even belore the problem is solved, , Love your way through the fears and worrles,