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In thig chapter:, , hen a Person is not truthful and tries to, deceive others, he/she is called dishonest aR, Aliaris a dishonest person. He isnot trustworthy, , Dishonesty may sometimes give short-run, benefits but in the long-run it Proves to be, , harmful for a person. As long as a person's, , dishonesty is concealed, he is able to manage, , the things in his favour. However, the day when his dishonesty is revealed, his respect and repute. People do not trust him anymore, , he loses a, , nakes vou fee, , As young children, you should learn to become honest in life. Honesty, good, gives a sense of achievement and results in high self-esteem, Instead of te!, a lie, become courageous enough to tell the truth. Moreover. never try to use una, means at your school. Never go for cheating in exams. You may get some more marks, ina few exams, but the day your cheating is caught, you could be even tt, the school. The consequence of dishonesty can even prove to be fata, , ‘8, , red out of, , Read the following story:, , 1a, , , , Once upon a time, in a small hillside village,, there lived a young boy named Raju. Farming, and sheep rearing were the main occupations, of the village. Majority of the villagers grew, corn while some of them extracted wool, from sheep., , Raju's father had many sheep. Raju’s job, was to take the herd of the sheep to a place, eer