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THE TREASURE WITHIN, 1 How did the., , Answer:, , Principal's words influence Hafeez Contractor?, , The Principal was a sensible, man. He had been, seeing Hafeez from, his duty to guard him on, one. He, thought it as, right time. So, when Hafeez approached hisday, eleventh standard, he, called him and told him that he was a, good student but he never studied. He had lost his, and his poor mother had worked, father, hard to bring him up and, pay his fees. It was the time now to, rise to the occasion and, study. These words of the Principal influenced, Hafeez deeply. He, forgot games that year and studied day and night. As, a result, he, a, cent in his SSC. His, class, 50 per, Principal was very happy because he had gotgot50 second, per cent on his own., 2 How is the attitude and, understanding of self-worth help a person succeed in life?, Ans., Hafeez is a trendsetter, who had a, normal childhood yet became a, renowned Indian architect., His interest was more in, sports rather than academics. He violate class room, dreamt of making dams, he drew, activities. He, sketches, he planned strategies. His mind was more, observant and creative. His success was his, understanding of his cliente., *, , curiousland, , 3, , Cooperation and friendship', , Answer:, , are, , key traits for a human being. How?, , Human should have humane, quality. He should believe in, be creative and learn social traits for, , co-existence, cooperation. One can, development, and let 1live' is the, keyto the development of a social structure. Hafeez was society 'live, cooperative to his friends, he made, buttons out of chalk. He sacrificed lunch; he became, the leader of his gang. His, and observation were distinct, traits, he learnt during his stay with his friends. imagination, of healthy, , 4 What did Hafeez, , Contractor do in the architect's office that led, , to, , hinbecoming an, architect himself?, Answer: In the architect's office, Hafeez Contractor, saw someone, making a drawing of a, window. He pointed out the mistakes in the, drawing and said that according to the sketch the, , Window would never, open., Later, he made some specific drawings on asked, by his brother-in-law and was, to be, impressive for that particular field. This led to the future course of actions whichfound, in tum, , facilitated, , 5 Give, , himbecoming an architect., , examples from, , differently., , Answer, , :, , There, , the book to indicate that Hafeez Contractor looked at, , things, , many instances in the chapter that prove that Hafeez Contractor looked at, it began to rain outside while he was in class, his mind, would drift to think about, ways to build a dam in order to block the flowing water., He would also, probe questions like how much water could the dam be able to hold and so on., To save his friends, he, would apply his skill to cut buttons from a chalk with the, help ot a, are, , things differently. For instance, when, , blade.
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6, , Why, , were, , Answer, , the students who, , are, , original in, , their, , thinking labelled as failures, , at, , school?, , school usually adheres to fixed and standard, accordance with a given curriculum. It, therefore,, fails, :, , A, , teaching and learning practices in, acknowledge originality in children, as it is, constantly forcing them to be good in everything.toHowever,, in the process of, good in every subject, original thinkers at times forget what, becoming, they are, brilliant in. They end, , being branded as failures., 7 What, , important lesson, , do, , we, , learn, , by looking closely, , at, , up, , Hafeez Contractor's life?, , Answer: Hafeez Contractor's life teaches us two, important lessons. It, first teaches us that it, is never too late to decide to work hard. In his, eleventh grade, when Contractor decides to, work hard, he fairs quite well in his exams., Secondly, his life also teaches us that we should, not underestimate, anyone' s powers. Just because someone is a different learner does, not, , mean, , that he/she is a failure, 8 Is it, , likely, , that someone who is, does not do very well at school?, original and, Should such a learner be called a failure? If intelligent, not, why not?, Ans: It is very likely that someone who is, original and intelligent does well at school. The, examination system that the schooling, system follows at present doesn't let us know the, talents, of, a, child., deeper, An original kid might fail these tests and lose faith and, selfconfidence. They might not be academically, but, could, have, good, extraordinary skills in other, fields. Hafeez wasn't a bright student. He was a notorious, one and created trouble for the, teachers and disturbed the class. He never concentrated on his, studies and would cheat during, examinations. His talents weren't visible, academically but he did an excellent job as an, architect without any formal training., 9, , Who, in your view, is, , 'unusual' learner?, Ans: There are various traits of an 'unusual' learner. Some, might learn better from practical, while, others might have better auditory, experiences, comprehending skills. There are some, learners who like to bring forth their ideas on the table while, creating original art pieces. There, is no clear definition for an unusual learner. It is, the, typically student that still needs to search, and polish the talent that they withhold in them., 10 What, seems, , can, , the schools do to draw out the best in unusual learners?, , reasonable, , Ans: Schools, , an, , can, , to you., , organize more creative events, , where kids should be, , Suggest whatever, , encouraged, , to, , take up, , hobbies that interest them. Kids should be provided with teachers from the required field so, that, , they, , can, , have, , a, , better, , understanding of the subject and flourish, , it, , more, , guidance. These things will help them to build a career out of their talents., , under, , professional