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fyour clothes ory, First Aid for Burns, 3. App, fire stay still and g, attention., reli, o friend's clothes catches, your, Firs, fyour clothes, given, Poiso, swalle, instructions., vario, them burning., on the ground will stop them from, If the, 2. Rolling, Wrap something like a woollen blanket, med, c lotion,, 1. I, cors,, person to smoother the flames., around the, Take off any clothes or jewellery around the, 2., burned area of the body, before it swells., severe, it for, 4 Use cold running water for 20 minutes to cool, the burn but do not use ice., 3., 5. Do not break blisters. Exposed blisters can get, infectious or septic. If blisters break, gently, ect, 4., clean the area with mild soap and water, apply, an antibiotic ointment., 0. Keep the person warm with extra clothes on, the unhurt parts of the body., 1. See a doctor if the burn is severe.