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The Lady Executive, , SHEILA PRASAD Is AN ACHIEVER, a self-made, lady. She is the managing director of Zenith, Life Insurance Co. Ltd. The accolades that, have come her way include Corporate Citizen, Award and Outstanding Woman Professional., Sheila joined the Zenith group as an, executive trainee 20 years ago. As she says, she, wanted to be productively engaged, not be just, another housewife. Professionally she is not an, MBA degree holder and did not know whether, a gentle soft-spoken woman would be suitable, for the tough corporate sector., , , , She saw an advertisement from Zenith, 8toup recruiting postgraduates with a knack, for co-curricular activities. She applied and, , accolades : awards and privileges, Corporate : related to large companies, blossom : become more successful, , _ portfolio : total financial value, , was one of the eight people who were finally, selected., , The Chief Executive Officer of Zenith, Investments, Mr Paul David, created ap, environment where young, talented people, could blossom. She was fortunate to be 3, part of an enterprise which gave tremendous, scope to individual ability and appreciated ang, rewarded hard work., , Sheila was responsible for Zenith, Investments Ltd till a few years back. At that, time its portfolio was valued at 20 crores. It had, a great team of committed workers and it was, the teamwork that pushed Zenith Investments, to where it is today. Sheila travelled throughout, the length and breadth of the country. The team, did everything possible for building awareness,, credibility and instilling investor confidence,, , Making an average salaried person part with, his money and invest in a financial company, can be a tall order., , Later Sheila shifted to Zenith Life, Insurance. She had the experience of a startup venture and the group chairman was sure, that she would do a good job of it. It was a, conscious decision to move because she, thought if you are part of the same thing,, things can get stagnant., , She believes that professionals should be, , given full tesponsibility and it is a way of, , empowering them. When you delegate and