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Q: Describe how Rosa Parks transformed the lives, of millions of African-American people., , ‘Rosa Parks Sat Still’, is a real incident. It tells how, Rosa Parks brought about a change in the lives of millions, of African-Americans., , When she left her work place, on December Ist, 1955, her only thought was to take rest. ‘When she got, into the bus, so many seats were vacant and she occupied one seat. The rule was that black passengers had to, give up their seats when white passengers came in ., , She refused to give up her seat for a white passenger. The driver brought the police in and they arrested, Rosa. When the news of Rosa’s arrest spread, the black, . people decided to fight for her. They knew that they could, | not fight with the police. So they decided to fight with the, | bus company . No black passenger would use city buses, until Rosa was freed. They went to work in private cars., The boycott continued for 381 days. The judges of, the Supreme-Court said that segregation was unlawful in, , public transport services., , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , we