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- iixc TO THE REVISED EDITION, , , , The present edition is a thoroughly revised version of the last edition. The content has been, thoroughly revised, reorganised and re-written at a number of places making the treatment, simpler and easier to understand. In deference to feedback and suggestions received from, learned faculty in schools, a sincere effort has been made to prune the exercises and reduce the, number of problems without of course compromising the quality which remains the hallmark, of this series., , @ The new model of teaching methodologies and content introduced by CBSE has been, religiously followed and adhered to in the revised edition., , @ Test Your Understanding exercises for immediate practice have been given almost after, every topic., , e@ Exercises have been re-designed to include all types of questions, especially the Multiple, Choice Questions (MCQs) and High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)., , ®@ Chapter Assessment based on the latest pattern is provided/at the end of each chapter to, assess the child’s understanding of the concepts given therein., , Lab Activities as per CBSE guidelines have been incorporated at the end of the book., , Periodical Assessment is a part of the on-going scholastic evaluation of the child. It is a kind, of Unit Test — A Self-assessment of the concepts taught in the class., , @ Mental Maths exercises have been given to develop skills in rapid calculations., © Italso incorporates Maths Alert to warn against likely mistakes and misconceptions., , ®@ Model Test Paper at the end of each term has been skillfully prepared incorporating all types, of questions such as :, , (i) Very Short Answer Type Questions (Concept Review, True-False, Matching Questions)., (ii) Short Answer Type Questions., (iii) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)., (iv) High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)., It is hoped that this series of books will meet more than adequately the needs of the students, , they are meant for/ Any suggestions for the improvement of the books would be most welcome, and gratefully acknowledged., , AUTHORS, , , , , , Disclaimer :‘While the authors of this book have made every effort to avoid any mistakes or omissions and have used their skill, expertise and, knowledge to the best of their capacity to provide accurate and updated information, the authors and S. Chand do not give any representation, or warranty with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and are selling this publication on the condition and, understanding that they shall not be made liable in any manner whatsoever. S.Chand and the authors expressly disclaim all and any liability/, responsibility to any person, whether a purchaser or reader of this publication or not, in respect of anything and everything forming part of the, contents of this publication. S. Chand shall not be responsible for any errors, omissions or damages arising out of the use of the information, contained in this publication., , Further, the appearance of the personal name, location, place and incidence, if any; in the illustrations used herein is purely coincidental and, work of imagination. Thus the same should in no manner be termed as defamatory to any individual.
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cy, , UNIT I: NUMBER SYSTEM, (Periods 50), , , , , , , , , , i) Rational Numbers, ¢ Properties of rational numbers. (including identities). Using general form of expression to describe properties., ¢ Consolidation of operations on rational numbers., ¢ Representation of rational numbers on the number line., ¢ Between any two rational numbers there lies another rational number (Making children see that if we take, two rational numbers then unlike for whole numbers, in this case you can keep finding more and more, numbers that lie between them., ¢ Word problems (higher logic, two operations, including ideas like area)., (ii) Powers, ¢ Integers as exponents., ¢ Laws of exponents with integral powers., (iii) Squares, Square roots, Cubes, Cube roots, ¢ Square and Square roots., ¢ — Square roots using factor method and division method for numbers containing (a) no more than total 4 digits, and (b) no more than 2 decimal places., ¢ Cubes and cubes roots (only factor method for numbers containing at most 3 digits)., ¢ Estimating square roots and cube roots. Learning the process.of moving nearer to the required number., (iv) Playing with numbers, ¢ Writing and understanding a 2 and 3 digit number in generalized form (100a + 10b +c, where a, b,c canbe only, digit 0-9) and engaging with various puzzles concerning this. (Like finding the missing numerals represented, by alphabets in sums involving any of the four operations.) Children to solve and create problems and, puzzles., , ¢ Number puzzles and games., , ¢ Deducing the divisibility test rules of. 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 for a two or three-digit number expressed in the general, form., , , , , , UNIT Il: ALGEBRA, (Periods 20), , , , , , , , Algebraic Expressions, ¢ Multiplication and division of algebraic exp.(Coefficient should be integers), ¢ Some common errors (e.g. 2 +x # 2x,7x + y #7xy ), ¢ —Identities\(@ b)2= a? + 2ab + b?, a? - b? = (a-b) (a + b), ¢ Fagtorisation (simple cases only) as examples the following types a(x + y), (x + y)?, a — b?, (x + a).(x + b), * — Solving linear equations in one variable in contextual problems involving multiplication and division (word, problems) (avoid complex coefficient in the equations)., , , , UNIT III: RATIO AND PROPORTION, (Periods 25), , , , , , , , ¢ Slightly advanced problems involving applications on percentages, profit and loss, overhead expenses,, Discount, tax., , * Difference between simple and compound interest (compounded yearly up to 3 years or half-yearly up to 3, steps only), Arriving at the formula for compound interest through patterns and using it for simple problems., , ¢ — Direct variation — Simple and direct word problems, ¢ Inverse variation — Simple and direct word problems, ¢ Time and work problems- Simple and direct word problems