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Table 11.1 gives some examples of familiar situations involving motion of objects., You can add more such situations or replace those given here. Try to identify, action involved in each case as a push and/or a pull and record your observations., One example has been given to help you., , Table 11.1 : Identifying Actions as Push or Pull, , Description of |Action : (pushing/ pulling/picking/ Action can be, the situation hitting/lifting/ lowering/flying/ grouped as a |, , kicking/ throwing/shutting/ poe ail, Moving a book Yeq Yes, placed on a table, , Opening or, shutting a door, Drawing a bucket, of water from a, well, , A football player, taking a penalty, kick, , , , , , , , , , A cricket ball hit, by a batsman, Moving a loaded, cart, , ie Opening a, drawer, , I learnt in Class VI that a, magnet attracts a piece of, iron towards it. Is attraction, also a pull? What about, repulsion between similar, poles of two magnets? Is it a, pull or a push?