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16, What was known as ‘bali’, , , , and ‘bhaga’?, , * The farmers started the system of giving a part of thei, , , , jeld as tax to the king in return for, protecting agricultural land, It was known as ‘bali’ and "bhaga’, , 17.Make a flow chart about the society of the Aryans in the Gangetic pI, , , , , , , , , Society in the Gangetic Plain, , , , , , , , , , Kshatriyas,, (Rulers,, Military Officers, , Vaishyas, (Trade, Agriculture,, Cattle rearing), , 18,Great changes occured in beliefs and customs during the life of Gangetic plain. Justify, * Lord Indra and Agni lost their prominence, + ‘The Gods like Prajapati and Vishnu became more and more important, + Complicated and complex ways of worship, , ‘+ Means of worship and r, , , , jous practices including the sacrifice of animals became costly, ‘+The priests became more powerful, , 19,Examine the changes, , , , the life of the Aryans when they migrated from the Sapta Sindhu region, to the Gangetic plain. Complete the table given below accordingly, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Sapta Sindhu region Gangetic plain, ‘+ ‘The main occupation was rearing the + Farming, cattle, , + Vidatha, Sabha, Samithi ‘+The importance of the assemblies of each|, tribe diminished, , ‘+The society was stratified into three +The society was stratified into four, divisions, , + Priests, soldiers, common man + Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras, , + Simple beliefs and practices Complicated and complex ways, of worship., , + Tribe + Janapadas, , , , , , , , 20.Name the most prominent cities emerged in gangetic plain, , + Rajagriha, Sravasthi, Vaishali, Benares, Kushinagara and Kausambhi