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Hypertension : The condition in which the blood pressure increases above the normal rate., Reason- The unhealthy habits, such as excess use of salt and fat, smoking,, lack of exercise etc., Hypotension : The condition in which the blood pressure rate goes below the normal rate., Both the hypertension and hypotension may cause stroke or heart attack., , Pulse ?, The wave like movements felt through out the wall of arteries, due to, the contraction and relaxation of heart chambers. (This is also 72 per minute), , + How do cells get nutrients from blood ?, Cells receive nutrients and O2 from tissue fluid, which is formed from blood., When blood flows through capillaries, the fluid part of blood oozes into, intercellular spaces to form tissue fluid. RBCs, large proteins and platelets, are absent in tissue fluid., Nutrients in blood —» Tissue fluid» Cells., , Lymph - The colourless fluid seen inside the lymph vessels., Liquid part of blood oozes out in to the intercellular spaces to form tissue fluid, and when tissue fluid enters the lymph capillaries, the fluid is said to be lymph., , The lymphatic system :, Consists of lymph, lymph capillaries, lymph ducts, lymph nodes and spleen., (Lymph nodes are glands function as the centre of lymphocytes production., Spleen is the organ of destruction of germs and inactive RBCs), , . Functions of lymphatic system ?, Transports nutrients, provides immunity, helps to bring the tissue fluid back to, blood and absorbs and transports fatty acids and glycerol from the intestine., , * How is fatty acid and glycerol reaches cell from the small intestine, through lymph ?, Fatty acids & glycerol are absorbed into lymph lacteals and flow through small and, large lymph ducts until reach into blood in the heart via venacava. When, blood flows, tissue fluid forms and cells get nutrients from it., , Health of Heart :, + The factors that affect the health of our heart ?, Change in food habits (excess fatty and salty food), lack of exercise, consumption, of alcohol, smoking etc., , + How the consumption of excess fatty food adversely affect the health of heart ?, , , , Atherosclerosis, (fat deposition in the arterial wall), , Inner diameter of artery reduces, wall becomes, rigid losing its elasticity and may rupture, Blood pressure increases, , Formation of thrombus (thrombosis) resulting block, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Thrombus in the coronary artery may leads to heart attack, , , , , , * September 29 - World Heart Day