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Protozoan Disease, tropical and subtropic, (1) Malaria :Malaria is a very common and serious disease in, with malaria, countries, especially in Africa and Asia. About 300 million people are infected, year and over 2 million die annually due to maiaria disease., Malariais caused by malarial parasite Plasmodium. There.are four types of malaria caus, by different species of Plasmodium., Species, Types of Malaria, Plasmodium vivax, YBenign tertain Malaria, P. falciparum, 2Malignant tertain (cerebral malaria), , 4.8.3., , 3/Mild tertain, , 4Quartan, , P. ovale, P. malariae
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Why Do We Fall Ill | 255, Falciparum malaria is most sorious typo of malaria., Presence of malarial parasito can be checked by blood test. Hore, Plasmodium vivax is, describe in brief., , Plasmodium is transmitted by femaleAnpheles mosquito. When, amale mosquito bites man to suck blood, it introducos its saliva containing the malarial parasite, stream of the man., into the blood, , lode of Transmission, ymptoms, , :, , The attack of malaria is precoeded by hgadache, nausea and muscular pain., motal period of malarial attack is of 6-10 hours and can be divided into three stages., GCold Stage: Characterised by chill and shivering., iHot stage :Characterised by high fever (104 106 F), faster breathing rate and heart, :, , beat etc., , Sweating stage, D, normal., , :, , It is characterised by sweating and lowering down of temperature to, , After the malarial attack, the patient feels weak, exhausted and anaemic. The malaria, may secondly cause enlargement of liver, and spleen., , Ppeventive Measures These include, GYUse of mosquito repellants to prevent mosquito bites., , Wire gauzing of doors, windows and ventilators to check the entry of mosquitoes, , into, , the houses., , (i) Periodic spray ofinsecticides to kill adult mosquitoes as well as spray ofkerosene oillor, insecticides in ponds, ditches ete. to kill the larvae of mosquitoes, , yIntroducing larvivorous fishes (eg. Gambusia, Minnow), (trauts) in water bodies. These, fishes feed on mosquito larvae., , Control, , Malaria can be controlled by taking antimalarial drugs. The commonest, antimalarial drug is quinine (extracted from the bark of Cinchonatree). Other drugs for malaria, are-Atebrine Bosoquine, Camoquine, Nivaquine etc., :