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Why Do Wo Fnll Il|, Q.6. In which of tho following cnsOn, ikely to bo most unplensnnt ?, , <do, , you think tho long torm offocta on your health are, , (a)Ifyou got jaundico, (b)1fyou got lieo,, , is, , 271, , (c), , If yougot.ncno, why ?, , Ans.(a) In tho caso ofjaundico. Bocnuso lico cnn bo tronted/removed ennily, Similarly, acne, problem, may, bocomo, minor, but, jaundico, chromic, and requiros n long time in complete, a, , recovery., Text book pago no. 187, , Q.6. Why aro we normally ndvisocd to tako bland and nourishing food when we are, sick?, Ans. It helps in strongthening of the immuno systom and provides nourishment to body for, the recovery of wear and tenr and fight infoction., Q.7.What are the different moans by which infoctious disease are spread?, Ans. The diferent menns by which infoctious disease spread are air, water, food, direct, contact, indirect contact and vectors., .8. What precautions would you take in your school to reduce incidence of infectious, diseases?, Ans. To reduce the incidence of infectious diseasesiWe should provide hygienic conditions in the school., (i) Safe clean drinking water should be provided., Complete protection from vectors and disposal of garbage should beproperly done., (v) The school premises should be kept clean rooms should be well ventilated., (We should arrange vacination programmes for children., (vi)No stagnant water should be allowed to collect anywhere., Insecticides should be used time to time to kill the pests, Q.9.What is immunisation?, Ans. Immunisation is the process by which an individual is exposed to an agent that is, designed to fortify his/her immune system against that agent. This can be achieved by specific, antigens also., Q.10.What are the immunisation programmes available at the nearest health centre in, your locality ? Which of these diseases are the major health problems in your area?, Ans.At the nearest health centre in our locality, following immunisation programmes are, , ii, , vi, , available-, , iFor preventing tuberculosis, (1 For preventing, , polio/typhoid/hepatitis-B, ()For preventing measles/MMR, (iv)For preventing tetanus, diptheria, and whooping cough., Occasionally, children suffer from measles in our area.