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PE Cra mrt <p oat, , Computer Notes and Practice Set, , , , “Father of Computer- Charles Babbage, , “First Modern Computer in the World- ENIAC, Inventor of Punch Cards in Computer — Hollerith, , “* Computer Graphics was developed by — William Fetter, “* ARPANET was developed by- DARPA, , “+ Compiler was developed by — Dr. Grace Murray Hopper, “Father of Computer Animations- John Whitney, “Keyboard was invented by- Christopher Latham Sholes, + Laptop Computer was invented by — Adam Osborne, First GUI Computer Game was invented by- A.S. Douglas, Computer BIOS was invented by — Gary Kildall, , “+ Inventors of Computer Chip- Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce, “+ Father of Computer Hard Disk- Reynold Johnson, “Inventor of First Data Base — Dr. Edgar Frank Codd, “Inventor of Computer Scanner — Ray Kurzweil, “Inventor of Computer Speakers- Abinawan Puracchidas, , * Inventor of MS-DOS Operating Systems- Microsoft, , & Founder of Apple Computers - Steve Jobs, , * Founder of Artificial Intelligence - John McCarthy, “Founder of Bluetooth — Ericsson, , “Father of C Language — Dennis Ritchie, , “Father of C++ language — Bjarne Stroustrup, , “Founder of Email - Shiva Ayyadurai, , “Founder of Google — Larry Page and Sergey Brin, ‘Founder of Internet — Vint Cerf, , “Father of Java - James Gosling, , ‘Founder of Linux — Linus Torvalds, , “Founder of Microsoft — Bill Gates and Paul Allen, , “ Founder of Mobile Phones — Martin Cooper, , “Founder of Mouse — Douglas Engelbart, , “Founder of Php — Rasmus Lerdorf, , “Founder of USB — Ajay V.Bhatt, , “Founder of WWW - Tim Berners-Lee, , “Founder of Yahoo — Jurry Yang and David Filo, , “+ First Commercial Computer - UNIVAC, %* ENIAC and UNIVAC was developed by — John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, , , , , , , , , , Period 1940 — 1956 1956 — 1963 1964 — 1971 1972-2010 2010-ti, Components | Vacuum Tubes Transistor Integrated Microprocessor, Silicon, Circuits — ICs Large Scale ICs ULSLA, , Computer EDVAC,ENIAC,EDSAC IBM-1401 IBM-370 PDP 11 NoteBo, UNIVAC UltraBa, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , There are two basic components of computer, Hardware and Software., , 1. Hardware- physical components of the computer system are called as hardware. For example- Mother Bo, Devices, Output Device, Storage Devices, , Input Devices are used to enter the input i.e. the data and instructions into the computer’s main memory., keyboard, Mouse, scanner, BCR, OMR, OCR, Light Pen, Joysticks,Etc.., , Output Device are used to produce data and information generated by computer .for example- Moniter, Print