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9., , Ans., , VEEN ES, , You saw a TV programme on the ‘Himalayan Yeti, , on Discovery Channel today. Yeti is a human sized 1, snowman with its entire body covered with hair., , Express your thoughts on the same in your diary., , Thursday, 3rd December, 20XX, , 11:45 PM, , Dear Diary, , | happened upon something very interesting today. While, surfing channels as usual, I came upon this programme, , on ‘Himalayan Yeti’ on Discovery Channel., , ‘Yeti’ is a human sized snowman whose entire body is, covered with hair. At first, I was surprised. Could such a, creature really exist? But huge human footmarks have, been noticed in the Himalayas. Also, many mountaineers, claim to have seen the ‘Yeti’ with their own eyes., , After watching the complete programme, I came to the, conclusion that ‘Yetis’ are robots used by some evil minds, to hide their illegal activities in the Himalayan snowlands., Till the scientists solve this mystery, I would like to, believe in this., , I am feeling very sleepy now as I have been watching TV, , for the last four hours continuously., Good Night. |, Raman