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SONG OF THE RAIN |, Khalil Gibran, , Write a critical appreciation of the poem ‘Song of, the Rain’ (Summary), , ‘Song of the Rain’ is a poem by Khalil Gibran the, famous Lebanese poet. It describes the heavenly beauty ||, of the rain. The rain itself is the speaker., , The rain looks like silver threads, coming from, heaven, sent by God. Mother nature uses the rain to, |beautify the fields and valleys. It is the very pearls plucked, from the crown of Ishtar the goddess: of fertility. When, the rain cries, it brings laughter to the hills. ‘The flowers, rejoice at its arrival. When it sees a field, it falls down on, _|it. It touches every window with its soft fingers. It is born, from the hot air of the atmosphere but it kills the heat-the, - Jone who gave birth to it. The rain is the sigh of the sea., The poem ends like a friendly letter. “So with love.’, , _ The poem is divided into three, four and five-line, , : stanzas. They don’t follow any rhyme-scheme. Metaphor(I, jam dotted silver threads), simile (Iam like earthly life), visual, images (fields, valleys), auditory images (when | cry),, eet eae, sting. The word-choice is simple.