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ses sion, Mail Merge, rearnng Cljeclives, A What is Mail Merge ?, A Components of Mail Merge, A Using Mail Merge, 5.1, Mail Merge, Many day-to-day applications require similar documents, containing similar text to be sent to a number of persons., These documents also have a typically common layout., For example, invitation letters sent to guests have a more, or less common content and layout. The documents differ, from one another in minor aspects such as the names and, addresses of the recipients., NOTE, Mail Merge feature automatically, merges a common text with a set, of data coming from a database to, produce unique letters., One obvious way to generate letters is to type all of them individually, putting the same, amount of effort again and again. Another solution could be to copy the same block of text, again and again on to the new letters. The information that differs in the documents can be, entered separately in the documents. Though this method saves a lot of effort, it still does not, automate the generation of individual letters. Automation is desired particularly when the, numbers of letters to be generated is large., DEF., This task can be easily automated if we use mail merger, feature of word processor. The mail merge feature has, already been introduced in the chapter. It's time we learnt, mail-merge feature of Writer., Mail merge is a technique to, merge text with addresses to, create personalized letters., 5.1.1 What is Mail Merge ?, dn Majl, whole bunch of people, BUT personalizing it with information about them so they, might think that you typed that letter personally for them. Have a look at following, figure to understand the concept of mail merge., merge, is a way to take same text (e.g., a letter) you've written and send it to a, You can also use mail merge can to take a list of people's mailing addresses and generate, labels or envelopes with the address for a different person on each label or envelope In short,, it's a way to be personal, yet efficient. It's essential for any person or organization that has a lot, of clients, partners, parents and children, or other people., 109, Scanned by TapScanner, 5.
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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-IX, 110, City, Delhi, LastName, Address, FirstName, 34,, AVihar, Set up a datá source storing individúál details, Rebecca, John, Chennai, 56/12, MPore, Venkat, Raman, Create main text document having fields, referring to data source, Chandigarh, Sec 67, Gurpreet, Singh, <FirstName> <LastName>, <Address>, The text in angle brackets, represents fields whose values, are to be picked from data source., <City>, Dear <FirstName>,, you very much for, making the event hugely, successful., Thank, Rebecca John, 34, AVihar, Delhi, Regards, Venkat Raman, 56/12 MP, Dear Rebe Chennai | Gurpreet Singh, Through mail merge, at the time of printing,, Writer will pick details from data source and, print the same text docùment for each-, individgal record in the data source., Sec 67, Thank ya, making t Dear Venk Chandigarh, Thank yo, successfu, making t, successful, Dear Gurpreet,, Thank you very much for, making the event hugely, successful., Regards, See, Writer has, automatically picked values, (from data source) for the, fields mentioned in main text, document and merged them., Regards, Regards, Figure 1 Working of Mail merge, 5.1.2 Components of Mail Merge, The three main components of the merging process are : the Main document, the Data source and, the Merged document., The Main text document contains the main body of your letter, field names and merge, instructions. The basic information in the main document remains the same., » The Address database (Data Source) stores the information to be brought into the main, document. The Data source table contains a column for each category of information. The, header row is the first row of the table, it contains field names, which indicate the type of, information in each column., » The Writer uses a main text document and a address database to produce a Merged, document., You can think of the address database as a name and address list from which the program gets, what you want to include in the main document., 5.2, Creating Data Source, To create a data source (address database) as per your needs, follow the steps given below., Please note, we shall only be talking about how to do it., Scanned by TapScanner
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Session 5 MAIL MERGE, 111, 1. Click File → New → Database, command (see Figure shown, on right side)., File, New, Iet Document, Ctrl+N, A Spreadsheet, A Presentation, Open., Ctrl+O, Recent Documents, Drawing, 2. Database wizard will start up., In its first step, select Create a, new database and click Next>>, Wizards, Database, Close, HTML Document, Save, Ctrl-S, XML Form Document, Save As... Ctrl+Shift+S, (see Figure below)., Database Wizard, Steps, Welcome to the Database Wizard, Select database, Use the Database Wizard to create a new database open an existing database file,, or connect to a database stored on a server., 2. Save and proceed, What do you want to do?, Create a ngw database, Open an existing database file, Resenth used, Clients.odb, Ogen.., Connect to an eosting database, JDBC, Help, Elach, Next >>, Einish, Cancel, 3. Click Finish in the next step and you'll be asked to save the database. Specify name of, the database and click Save (see below), Save As, > myku Documents, Seorch, Organize, New Folder, Favorite Linls, Name, Date modified, Туре, Size, EDocuments, Bluetocth Exchange Folder, Dell Webcam Center, More », Expstudio Audio Editor, Folders, Kush VI, Documents, My eBooks, NetBeansProjects, PPT to Video Log Piles, Addresses, clients0, Bluetooth Ex, Dell Webcan, Expstudio At, Kush VI, My eBooks, Specify name of, database here., File name: CUENTS, Save as type: ODF Database, Hide Folders, Auto Extensian, Save, Cancel, 4. Once you have specified the name for your new database, you'll be taken to database, window. (see shown on next page) In the database window, under tables tab, click at, the option : Use Wizard to Create Table... (see shown on next page), UNIT III DIGITAL DOCUMENTATION, Scanned by TapScanner
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113, ssion 5: MAIL MERGE, 7. Now, you'll be taken to data view of the table, where you can type the actual data for, your table as we did (see below), 8. Once you are through, save, the table by pressing Ctrl+S, and click Close button., Addresses-CLIENTS OpenOffice.erg Table Date View, De Yew JAsert Ieols Window elp, 9. In the same way, close the, database window., City, Delhi, Phonetumber, 15454636, 67678683, Address, Lesthiame, John, Raman, Tale, FirstName, Me., Mr., 34, A VINY, 56/12 MPore, See 67, Rebeccs, Venkat, Chennai, Mr., Gurpreet, Singh, Chandigarh 246s467, 10. The data source for mail, Record, merge use is rcady., 5.3 Using Mail Merge, Through the following steps, you'll learn to use mail merge practically. Before you start using mail, merge, you should be clear about the following things:, (a) what text you want to put in the main text document,, (b) the data in the data source, (c) what all fields are to be picked from the data source and merged with main text, document., 5.3.1 Creating Main Document, Once all these are clear in your mind, you can proceed to the following steps to create the main, document and use mail merge., 1. Start a new document, (File New → Text document or Ctrl+N), The main text, document, Dear, Initially type text without field names, without any, field-name, 2. In the beginning, type the text of main text, document WITHOUT the field-names. Our, Thank you very mush for, making the event kugely, success ful., initially., document looked like the one shown on the, Regards, left side (notice no field names), Insert fields from the data source, 3. Now in the text that you typed, in previous step, you need to, insert fields from your data, Fields, Document Cross-references Functions Docinfermation Variables Database, ype, Database sglectioan, Any record, Database Name, Mail merge fields, Next record, Record number, clients, Clients, CLENTS, Addresses, source., (a) For this, first you need to, the, Expand the data, source that you, created., ID, click., command, Title, FirstName, Insert, ->, Fields, LastName, Address, . It will invoke, Fields dialog, where from, Database tab, select Type, as Mail merge fields (left, box) and expand the data, source (right box) that, you created by clicking, on plus icon in front of it., Other..., City, PhoneNumber, cit, Add database file, Browse, Consben, Format, Eron database, Record pumber, User-defined, General, Slose, Help, UNIT III: DIGITAL DOCUMENTATION, Scanned by TapScanner