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Burch's Journey, , NOS, , FO, S, T, E, PP, S), ), F, OO, OT, T, S, T, E, , THE, F O L L O, , TO, , CLEARw, , When, , Michael, , Jennings, , Burch, , graduation, , in, , community,, , nearby, , a, , the, , address, asked to, , was, , his, , high school, mind boggled., He, , believe, , couldn't, , that, assured him, , he felt, to a, , honoured, , ears., , his, , being, , for, , they, , did, , want, , him,, , What would, , asked, , such, , on, , an, , to speak, , important, , he say? What, , high, , to the, could he impart, , that would, , after, , they really, , of kids, group, , occasion., , But,, , words, , school graduates, , help, them and perhaps, stay with, himself had, choices when he, , them with life's, not attended, , about, , with, , d, , nordid they need, He, , thought, , nothing,, , It, , another, , be, he would, his words, that., , Te kids did not need, , They, , it,, , what, lectures on, , they, , need to, , was, , not, , until the, , night, , new, , give, , a, , boring, , about what, , thoughts,, , he, , more, , he thought, was, , not, , them., lecture before, , life, he had done in his, , audience's interest, , before the address that it, , what, , The, , life., do to succeed in, , ideas to hold the young, of hundreds of, , gathered these, , dragged, , person to, , school?, , that if he, he realised, , more, , did not need speeches, , Tell them, "Don'ttell the kids what you did., As he, , the, , high, , you, , larnt, , drifted back to, , but, , suddenly, , while you, , were, , came, , dawned on, , doing, , his past. He had grown up, , his homes, up- in dozen of foster homes and institutions. As, , up with, , him,, , it.", or, , changed, he, , rather, , had to, , ange his schools too. Somehow he missed few classes. Nobody paid much attention to, im. He, , had, , no, , books,, , no, , pencils,, , no, , paper., , m e he was eleven, he was in standard fifth not knowing how to read. A nun took, , pity on him and, kept him back after school to teach him. It was with her he learnt a lot. He
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couldn't., , wanted, , to, , knew he, her but he, to stay with, He learnt, other place., , to, , be sent, , The system, the authority., , question, was, , really, , control and, , t, , he, , was, , no one, , street smart, , job, , in, , to, , a, , Michael. He, , guide him, , hurry., , because, , to the, , Forty, , right, , hence, forced by, , was, , direction., , right path by, , the, , unquestioned, , it, , and, , discipline,, , was, , prompted the, , was, , never, hu.., , ut it, , finished., , to it, , with, , quit, , and noot to, , revisited, , Animals at, , int., to, in, , becan, ome, , fear and ka, , he, , eep, stumhle, nbled, , be beaten., , the, , pain, fear and, , Night." It, , him to address, authorities to invite, , he got, , had to, , but he, , error. w h e n e v e r, , trial and, , "They Cage the, , turn, , no, learnt to show, , relived and, friend Michael,, , a, , to, , hard, , was, , It, , determined not to, , loneliness and wrote his autobiography,, this book that had, , rules, , he, , he, tough quickly,, , He had to get, , try again. He, , get up and, , years, , to teach, , one, had no, alone. He, , was, , choose the, his mouth shut. He had to, he would, , lite to obey, , place until ne, , or, his school,, to finish, had, he, fourteen,, e d u c a t e d any more., could not be, , frightening for, , trouble,, , some, , sent to, , containment., , take up a, He was asked to, , was, , designed, , was, , rather, , time, Bythe, nim., , early in, , some, , was, , He, , and, , was reading, , the kids at the, , graduation ceremony., It was a warm June morning. Michael stood at the podium. All eyes were fixed upon him., The kids were dressed in their caps and gowns, and sticky from nervous perspiration. They, , would glance towards the parents section and would smile with pride as and when thev, , would locate them., , He began to speak. He told them how he was honoured to be addressing them, but, because he had not attended high school nor graduated from anything he felt he was not, , qualified. He then made an unusual request. He asked them if there was any way in which, he could take part in their, , graduate, , moment, if they might let him be, , like them. The kids who, , were, , took him into their ranks with their, With tears in his, eyes he, , there." You, , might find, , a, , or a, , to enter into the, , applause. Their eyes took, , said, "This, , word, , going, , is, , a, , street kid's, , line that, , might help, , ooooo000000000% s4, , guide, , one, , of them, that is, , world to, , fight, , a, , their battle, , him into their hearts., on, , you get, , how to get from here, , through a rough time., , tO
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KID'S GUIDE, A STREET, , It's hard to, , If you, , lie, , You, , get, , nothing, , instead., , from here to, , goals, , high;, out right;, , longer try., , no, , get, , hardest way to, , there,, , too, , works, , ever, , Too soon, you, But the, , of bed., , yourself, , fooled, , set your, , If you, , out, , there,, , lot to fool your friends,, , It's harder to, , Then, , get, , never, , a, , But you, , from here to, , get, , Is when all you, , there, from here to, ever, , do,, , miles to go., the years, and, Is count up, before, , you're through, So, how do you get, , Then, , Well, you first, Let, , no o n e, , you're through., , there?, from here to, , must believe, , can., , you, , tell you differently-, , it's in your hands., It's your life and, Then turn your, , And, To, , see, , dreams into your, , what you need, , satisfy the, , now., , requirements:, and how., , why, the where, first, you're overwhelmed,, The, , At, , There is, But, , goals,, , so, , of course;, , much you don't know., , and sure,, , your faith, be strong, For you do have a way to go., , keep, , them right,, Take careful steps and do, done., Take pride in each thing, , Don't look too far ahead of yourself,, Just that next, , Before you know, , step yet, , to, , come., , it, you'll be there, friend,, , Your dream will then be real., And you'il be standing where I am now,, , Telling others, , how, , good, , it feels., , You'll tell them not to quit themselves,, , faith, though its hard to bear., So, they will know it can be doneThey, too can get from here to there., , To have
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EXErcises, o O O o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0, , LFARA THE, , MEANINGS, to become clear, , 1., 2., , 3., , Dawn, to, , Stunmble, Overwhelm-, , fall, , or, , almost, , such, to have, , a, , them, difficult for, , fall, strong, , Answer, , 1,, , Why, , was, , Michael, , unsure, , so, , on, , somebody that, , address, when he was asked to, , the graduates?, , to the young graduates?, much about what he would say, , he have?, What kind of childhood did, , about?, would tell the graduates, he, decide, he, finally, 4. What did, , 5., , Why, , itis :is, , coooo.o.oooooo00ooa, , questions., the following, , he think, 2. Why did, , 3, , efect, , how to react, to resist or know, , HNDERSTANDHE LESSON, , ., , emotional, , "A Street Kid's Guide"?, is the poem named:
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What do you, , 6., , learn from, , the lesson?, , blanks., Fill in the, , I., , 1., , in a, , but he had to become, , It was, , hurry., he would get up and try, , 2., , Whenever he., , 3., , He was, , 4., , The, , way to get from., , ever-, , is, , and not to be, , not to, , - is when all you, , to, , and miles, , up the, , to, , before you're, , Then you're., 5., , So,, , how do you, , get from., , Well, you, , you, , must, , tell you, , Let, , It's, , -?, , to, , _life and its in, , hands., , I . Think and write., , We must be happy with the work, we are doing and also affirm it publicly. What, , happens when it is not so?
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V. Always remember, Achieving is, , more, , important than, , Complete what, , you, , take, , on a, , When, , you, , winning, , do, whatever it takes to, , begin,, , task you, , are, , so., , it., responsible for completing, , Activity, Divide vourselt into small groups., , ces story of, su, managed). Share, , vour, , own, , Take five minutes fo remind yourself, , (something, , thought you, , you, , couldn'1, , do, but, , finst, , The extra that counts., , Look at the ingredients of the extra that is needed., , 2., , 3., , 4., , nally, , your stories. Dwell less on the details and more on your feelin., , After the exercise, congratulate each other on their success., , 1., , s, , I, , Expect difficulties, , Examine facts, , I might have a problem., , Let me go over the facts again., , Take responsibility, , This is my, , Rate yourself, , responsibility., , I can do better., , Let me try another method., , QVOTATION, "GIVE YOURSELF, , A, , IDEAL AND HOLD ON TO, IT,, , LIKE A BREATH OF, FRESH AIR.", , O000000000000%58, , ngs