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APOSITIVE GHANGE, , CHANGE, , (SHO oURTE SY), Mr Ramakant was a very rude and impolite person. He never thanked his wife or ., , them and found faults with them, their care and concern for him. He criticised, did not have a job, so he was very frustrated. This added to his lack of manners, , opened the door and, , One day. somebody knocked at his door. Ramakant, , saw a, , other, e fofor, , instead, He, tran ger, , asked rudely, "What do you want?" The gentleman at the door replied, "W, , . He, , "I want to, see, , Mr Ramakant.", , Ramakant replied arogantly, "You see him right here. Now, tell me quickly what ie., , is your, , problem or l'l have to ask you to get lost.", The, , "Well!I, , am, , what, , ill-mannered person he is. But he, ne, said, the manager of a chemical firm. I heard that you are a chemical, engineer and r rea, in need of a job. There is a, vacancy in my firm for, this post and I wished to offer, you the job., However, after seeing your rude behaviour, have changed my mind., Good-bye! Ramakant.", The man left after, saying this. Ramakant was leftin, , visitor was taken, , aback. He, , thought, , an, , deep remorse., Ramakant, me, , thought, "Here was a suitable job for, right at my doorstep and I lost it because of, , my rude manners." By this time Ramakant's wite, , and, , mother,, , silently, , came, , witnessed all, forward and tried, , explain Ramakant, , that he should, , that had, to, , who had, , happened,, , become more courteous. His mother toic, , him, , "Son nobody is born perfect in this, , World and you, we, , human, , exception. However., beings have a great powe, are no, , above all of us, that is the, God., , power, , He is always there to help us, , transform our character. Son, take His, to,, nelp and behave as He ordains you, and then feel the change." These, words touched Ramkant's, , o0000000000000% 44, , heart., , He
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. dnd to God, God and reading the words ot God everyday. Once he read the words of, prayingto, , d, , started, , Codand, , the true, , madeiit, tt, , made, , He t h e n, , tr, decided, for, , unon their implication in his life, "We verily have chosen courtesy and, , mark, , of such as are nigh unto Him. Courtesy is the prince of virtues.", , lised that he had been hurting everyone who had crossed his way. So, he, , realis., , to change, , him. He, , his behaviour. He, , even, , started, , began to, , thank his mother and wife for, , everything they, , helping them., , did, , wore his best clothes and went to the chemical firm, the, he woke up early,, reached the manager's office, knocked at the door, which had visited him. He, of, manager, I please come in Sir?" A voice from inside called him in. Ramakant, "May, and, said, said, politely,, and, his hands and greeted the manager., entered the room, folded, him immediately and said unhappily, "Yes! Mr Ramakant, what, The manager recognised, for my bad behaviour, here?" Mr Ramakant said, I have come to apologise, dav,, , brings you, , towards you. I realise my mistake in, , being haughty, , and rude. I feel sorry, , now, , and, , hope, , you, , will forgive me.", , The manager was impressed with Ramakant's humility and courtesy. He said, "Son I forgive, you. However, Mr Ramakant, , by speaking impolitely, , you have lost, , a, , very, , good job.", , Ramakant said, "Sir, I am grateful to you for graciously forgiving me. As far as the job is, , concerned, I am sorry to lose it but have a strong feeling that I will find another job. Now,, Iam following the guidance of God and, , am hopeful of receiving His blessings. I now beg, , your leave.", , Thus, they parted as friends., , Children,(courtesy is to be polite and to have good, manners. It is showing respect and, , having consideration for other, people's feelings. Courtesy is like, mákes you attractive, to others. Be courteous so, that, other people around you don't, get insulted by any of your, words or deeds. To be, courteous, you have to learn to, speak in a, , a, , magnet.., , polite, , It, , manner., , Nobody likes a, rude person. To, practice courtesy, you have to think how, your, will, , behaviour, , effect others.
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I.., , Answer the, 1., , 2., , 3., , following questions., , What kind of a man was Mr Ramakant?, , Was the behaviour of Mr, , Who, , came to see, , Mr, , Ramakant towards his mother and wife, right? Whv?, , Ramakant? Why?, , w, 4., , 5., , 6., , What, , were, , the words that, , Was the, manager, , What, , quality, , of Mr, , happy, , Taralor, , changed, , to see Mr, , Ramakant, , Mr, , Ramakant's heart?, , Ramakant?, , did the, , manager admire later?
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you, Whatdo, , the, fill in, 1. ui, , learn from the lesson?, , blanks., , aIt is showing, , 3, , le, , is to be, , and to have good, , a n d having, , henL, , for other people's, , amasrd, Courtesy is like, , pwi, , 4. Be, , ofyour, , s o that other people around you don't get, or, ed, , -will, , you have to think how your, , 5. To practice ow, , d, , by any, , e, , others., , I1.Tick (), , the words that, , a, , courteous person will use, , more, , often., , 1. Please, 2. Thank you, 3. None of your business, 4., , Get out, , 5. Excuse me, , 6. I said 'No', 7. Keep quiet, 8., , May 1 help you?, , 9., , What do you want?, , 10.1, , am, , grateful, , to, , you, , Make, OW you, a list, would, of people, he e who work to make our lives comfortable and meaningful. Write, , how you would, be courteous to them., , Person, , 1., , The, , guard, , at, , 2., , Maid servant, , 3., , Mother, , 4., ., , school, , Help you in, , courteous?, How would you be, , guards children, , By wishing, , him Good, , Morning everyday
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A ctivi ty, you begin,, In, conversation, the way, , matters, , the, , most., , lf it, , is done, , done well everything, al, , falls into the right place., i, , You go to, , "You need, , a, a, , restaurant with your, , parents., , Ihe, , manager comes, , table for how many people?", , asks you,, , You, , Would you like to occupy that table please?, , Manager, You, , Manager, You, ii., , You come back from, , school. You, , are, , mother?, , very, , hungry,, , what do you tell, , You, , Mother, You, , Mother, You, , QUOTATIONN, CORTESY, , IS THE, , PRINCE, , OOO00O000000000 48, , OF, , VIRTUES", , vor, ur