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a A i i i a tg i, , Ae ei ne Cy, pet ep, , ~~, , CH- 502: Paper- IT (Physical Chemistry), , Unit I: Electrochemistry, , (A) Galvanic cells, irreversible & reversible cells, emf of cell & its measurement, relation between, , electrical energy and chenuical energy, calculation of thermodynamic quantities of a cell reactions, (AG, AH & AS & equilibrium constant) |, , (B) Types of reversible electrodes : metal-metal ion electrode, gas electrode, metal insoluble salt-anion, electrode, redox electrodes, amalgam electrode, Nernst equation, calculation of cell emf from single, electrode potential, reference electrodes, standard electrode potential, concentration cells with &, without transference, liquid-junction potential, salt bridge & its functions., , Applications of emf measurements in : (i) pH- determination using hydrogen electrode, quinhydrone, electrode & glass electrode (ii) Potentiometric titration (Acid -Base and Redox titrations). Numericals, , Problems., , Scanne d with CamScanner