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. cf oe, ree ee eI LY Sirs) ;, 117, , Ct =, 4.5 TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER a e, , bet FY, Si Lae, , RATIONALE, , eo of the diploma passouts who get employment in State Electricity Boards have to, perform various activities in the field of transmission and distribution of electrical power. The range, of these activities vary from simple operation and maintenance of equipment, lines, fault location,, planning and designing of simple distribution schemes, executive and supervisory control in, transmission and distribution networks in addition to administrative jobs including public relations., They should also be made aware of recent developments, current practices in the electricity, departments, corporations and boards to keep them abreast with modern techniques in transmission, and distribution of electrical power., , LEARNING OUTCOMES, After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:, , e Select suitable supporting structure, insulators, conductors and other accessories for, transmission lines and distribution lines, , Prepare layout plan for HT and LT lines/distribution system, , Prepare estimate for HT and LT (OH and underground cables) iines, , Operate and maintain indoor and outdoor substations, , Use various methods for improvement of power factor, , Assess the revenue and energy loss in power distribution, , DETAILED CONTENTS, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Transmission Systems (28 Periods), , 1.1 Layout of transmission system, selection of voltage for H.T and L.T lines,, advantages of high voltage for Transmission both AC and DC, , 1.2 Comparison of different system: AC versus DC for power transmission, conductor, material and sizes from standard tables, , 13 Constructional features of transmission lines: Types of supports, types of insulators,, , Types of conductors, Selection of insulators, conductors, earth wire and their, , accessories, Transposition of conductors and string efficiency of suspension type, , insulators, Bundle Conductors., , Mechanical features of line: Importance of sag, calculation of sag, effects of wind, , and ice related problems; Indian electricity rules pertaining to clearance, , Electrical features of line: Calculation of resistance, inductance and capacitance, , without derivation in a.c. transmission line, voltage regulation, and concept of corona., , Effects of corona and remedial measures, , Transmission Losses, Economic Principle of Transmission, C COMMITTEE MEETING,OF BTE,UP, LKO DATED:26-09-2021 @RASHMI SONKAR