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(7,000 vt, Roll No, Code No. 0425, [Total Na. of Pages4, 3393, ANNUAL EXAMINATION JUNE-2019, SL No., (Final Year] Two Years Diploma Course in Pharmacy (214], DRUGS STORE AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, Time 00 Hur, [Maximum Marks: N0, NOTES, O Atempt ALL questions, iD Students are advised to specially check the Numerical Data of question, paper in both versions. If there is any difference in Hindi Translation of, any question, the students should answer the question according to the, English version, D Use of Pager and Mobile Phone by the students is not allowed., 01) Answer any two of the following., 12 8-16], Define Commerce and discuss its functions, b) What is sole proprietorship? Write its advantages and disadvantages., ) Discuss the functions of Wholesaler., Q2) Answer any two of the following., 128-16], va) Discuss the various factors which are to be considered while selecting, the site for a drug store., b) Describe the concept of ABC Analysis., At) What are the qualities of a good salesman?, Pharmacy, Polnt, F- NO04, (PTO.)