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Test, Total Score, A2 vocab adjectives, 51, Questions, 1. aktiv; active, My grandmother is 99 years old but she is still very active, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 2. allein: alone, The child may not go alone anywhere, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 3. aergerlich: annoying, i hate your annoying brother, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 4. beruflich: professional, He must for professional reasons often travel, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 5. besetzt: occupied, The seats in the train are already occupied, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 6. dauernd: continously, How can i work when you continously disturb me, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 7. deutlich: clear, He must speak in a clear language, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 8. doof stupid, I find travelling without tickets stupid, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 9. frei: free, Are you free today?, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 10. kritisch: critical, His behavior ist critical, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 11. ledig: single, 1, Laa classes
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My brother is still single, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 12. neugierig: curious, He was curious about the gift he got for his birthday, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 13. spaet: late, He works late in the night, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 14. still: quiet, He likes quiet places, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 15. ueberzeugt: convinced, he was convinced by my arguments, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 16. unfreundlich: unfriendly, I find this girl unfriendly, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 17. unmoeglich: impossible, It is impossible to run so fast, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, Lalita classes /