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nat makes Laura think that Gonzalo is an i, Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura are 'old lovers of long ago.' They meet in the park accidently. Both arc, annoyed with Gonzalo for scaring away the birds. She shouts at him. At this Gonzalo remarks that he does not, care about the birds and it is a public park. Then Laura questions his complaint against the priests occupying his, toward other side. There Laura is feeding the birds on her crumbs. The birds fly away in fear. Laura is, bench. Gonzalo asks her not to take liberty of talkifig with him as they have not met. This makes Laura think, regular visitors of the park. When Gonzalo sces the his usual bench has becen occupicd by some priests he goes, 3. What were the circumstances that led Gonzald to flee Valencia /Aravaca ?, ill-natured man?, that Gonzalo is an ill-natured old man., Ans, Valencia was the native city of Gonzalo, os brought up there and spent his early youth there. He, loved Laura Llorente of Maricela, not far from Valancia They loved each other so much that they exchanged, flowers daily. Meanwhile, Laura's parents wanted to marry her to a merchant. But Laura was not willing to, this marriage. One night Gonzalo was waiting under Laura's window the merchant came there unexpectedly., He insulted Gonzalo. There followed a duel in which the merchant was badly wounded. Fearful of the, consequences of wounding a highly regarded person of that locality Gonzalo fled Valcncia/Aravaca., 4. Why do Gonzalo and Laura spin fictitious stories about themselves? OR, Trace the incident where Laura and Gonzalo secretly guess about each other's identity., Precisely at what point of time, do you think, Laura and Gonzalo begin to recognize each other., Ans. Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura were lovers of fonce upon a time.' Their love was an estranged one., Now, they happen to meet in a park. After making sarcastic remarks at each other, slowly they become intimate., Their,conservation turns towards the sad love aftiir between Gonzalo of Valencia and Laura Llorente of, Maricela. At this point they begin to recognize each other. But they hesitate to reveal their identity. So both of, them entertain the other with a fictitious story. Don Gonzalo thinks that he looks grotesque and old. Dona, Laura feels she is sadly changed., cousin. In turn, Dona Laura says that Laura Llorente was her friend., OR, That is why Don Gonzalo says that the gallant lover, Gonzalo was his, 5. How effectively does Don Gonzalo account for his cousin's love for Laura's friend?, Ans., In the course of their conservation both Dda Gonzalo and Dona Laura recognized each other. But, nobody was ready to reveal his or her identity. So they spin fictitious stories about themselves. Don Gonzalo, told that the gallant lover, Gonzalo was his cousin. In turn, Dona Laura says that Laura Lorente was her friend., Gonzalo then very effectively accounts for the love his cousin had for Laura's friend: He fled Valencia, for fear of the consequences of the duel he had with the merchant. From there he went to Seville and then came, to Madrid. Hę wrote Laura many letters some of them in verse. But they did not reach Laura as they were, intercepted by her parents. So Laura could not answer. Gonzalo was in despair. He believed that his love lost, to him forever. He then joined army. He went to Africa. There in a trench he met a glorious death., Six Mark Questions:-, 1. Bring out the changes in Don Gonzalo's attitude before and after occupying the bench in the park., Ans. Don Gonzalo, was the 'long ago lover' of Dona Laura. He had a chanced encounter with his former, beloved in a park. Having no other bench to sit , he was forced to şit on the bench where Laura was sitting., She was already annoyed with Gonzalo for scaring avay the birds feeding 'on her crumbs. When she reminded, him of his complaint against the priests' occupying seat he asked her not to täke liberty of addressing him. He, felt Laura should have wished him good morning. h short, Gonzalo was impatient of Laura's behavior. He, thought that she was rude and not polished in her magners., But soon the rift between the two slowly vanıshed. Gonzalo offered a pinch of snuff to Laura. And it, made peace between the two. They became friends. Gonzalo started reading poems of his interest to Laura., Then he narrated the sad love story of Gonzalo of Vaencia and Laura Llorente of Maricela. In the course of his, narration he came to know that the lady beside him was none else but Laura herself. He did not want to reveal, his identity as he was grotesque and old. At the time of departure he agreed with Laura that they had been, ald rionds. conversing as, t is sunny aud shuriug Hhe sume bend, a old friend0They aggeed to cocne tomoryow 5