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KINGDOM ANIMALIA: PHYLUM SUMMARY TABLE, Phylum, Examples, , PORIFERA, Sponges, , Body type, , Asymmetry, , CNIDARIA, Sea jellies, Hydra, coral, colonies, sea anemones, Radial symmetry, , PLATYHELMINTHES (flatworms), Planaria, tapeworm, Bilateral symmetry, , NEMATODA (roundworms), Trichinella, hookworm,, nematode, Bilateral symmetry, , ANNELIDA (segmented worms), Earthworm, polychaete worms,, leech, Bilateral symmetry, , (Symmetry), , Ecological roles, , Body organization, (# germ layers), Body cavity, Digestive system, , Reproduction, , Food source, home / shelter, symbiotic with, bacteria, 2 germ layers, Ectoderm, endoderm, Acoelom, Filter feed: collar cells,, food vacuoles,, osculum, , Sexual:, heramaphroditic –, gametes released in, H2O, Asexual: budding,, branching,, fragmentation, , Food source, Reef- home, protect, shores, Chem. – anticancer, 2 layers: ecto & endo, With mesoglea between, Acoelom, , Food source, Parasitic, Eat dead animals –, saprophyte, 3 layers: ectoderm, mesoderm,, endoderm, Acoelom, , Food source, Parasitic, Aerate soil, Breakdown material, 3 layers: ectoderm,, mesoderm, endoderm, Pseudocoelom, , Food source, Parasitic, Aerate soil, Breakdown material, 3 layers: ectoderm, mesoderm,, endoderm, Coelom, , Gastrovascular cavity,, mouth, and, nematocysts to capture, food, , Mouth and gastrovascular, cavity, , Complete digestive, system: mouth & anus, , Complete digestive system:, mouth & anus, , Mouth also serves as anus, , Special organs, , Special organs, , Sexual: male & female, medusa – gametes fuse, , Sexual: hermaphroditic –, cross fertilization, , Sexual: separate sexes =, dioecious, , Sexual: hermaphroditic –, cross fertilization, , Asexual: budding,, regeneration, , Asexual: fragmentation, , Circulation, Diffusion, , Diffusion, , None, , Nerve net, , Respiration, , Diffusion, , Diffusion, , Diffusion through skin, , Diffusion through skin, , Excretion, , Diffusion, , Mouth, , Tubes open to outside & mouth, , Anus, , Habitat, , Water – lakes and oceans, , Water – ocean, , Nervous system, , Diffusion, Cephalization – brain, Nerves, Eyespots & auricles, Sensory – light , chemicals, , Host – intestine, Rivers, , Diffusion, Brain, Ganglion, Nerves, Sensory, , Host (blood, intestine), Soil, , Aortic arches, blood, blood, vessels = closed system, Brain, Ganglion, Nerves, Sensory – light/chemical/, mechanical, Land- Pharynx, gulp air, Water - gills, Nephridia, tubes, anus, Host (external), Soil,, Water
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KINGDOM ANIMALIA: PHYLUM SUMMARY TABLE, Phylum, Examples, Body type, Ecological roles, , MOLLUSCA, Snail, slug, clam, mussel, squid, octopus, chitons, Bilateral symmetry, Food source, Predator – control populations, , ECHINODERMATA, Sea stars, sea cucumber, feather stars, sea urchins, Radial symmetry, Food source, Control animal/algae populations, Recycle nutrients, Chemicals – anticancer/ antiviral, , Body organization, (# of germ layers), Body Cavity, , 3 layers: endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm, , 3 layers: endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm, , ARTHROPODA, Crayfish, insects, spiders, millipedes, Bilateral symmetry, Food source, Predator, Pollinator, Control population, Parasites, Job, Vector for parasite, Honey, Destroy crops, Silkworm, 3 layers: endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm, , Coelom, , Coelom, , Coelom, , Digestive system, , Reproduction, , Circulation, , Complete digestive system – mouth & anus, Radula – cephalopoda, gastropoda,, polyplacophora, Filter feeding – bivalvia, Sexual:, Dioecious – bivalvia, gastropoda, cephalopoda, Hermaphroditic- gastropoda, Trochophore larvae, , Complete digestive system – mouth & anus, , Sexual:, Dioecious, , Closed system, Closed: cephalopoda, Accessory heart, Brain , nerves – cephalopoda, Nerves – bivalvia, polyplacophora, Light receptors, , Respiration, , Aquatic: gills, Land: special mantle with hole, , Sexual:, Dioecious, Asexual: some regenerate parts, , Asexual: regeneration – lost arm, , Open: gastropoda, bivalvia, polyplacophora, , Nervous system, , Complete digestive system – mouth & anus, , Nerve cords but NO brain!, Tube feet – sensory, , Tube feet & skin gills – diffusion, , Excretion, , nephridia, anus, , Tube feet – diffusion, , Habitat, , Water mainly, Land – slug & snail, , Water – ocean, , Open system, Heart, Sinuses – tissue bathed in blood, , Brain and nerves, , Tracheal system, Book lungs/gills, gills, Anus, Malpighian tubules, Spiracles, Water & land – everywhere!