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—_ | URS if, 38. Where, 39. How... ye, 40. When .... your birth, % What ..... these men?, , 2. Who....... a ballpoi in hi, , con point pen in his sD, , 43. What ... this? eae, 44. Why ..... your uniform dirty today?, 45. Whose socks ...... these?, Write the remaining six categories of sentences for each of the following statements:, , , , 46. We have a big house in Rajinder colony., Some students are weak in Differential calculus, aren’t they?, , 48. My sister and brother are very clever in their class., Isn’t Madhuri’s acting good in all the films?, , 49., 50. What are you used to for breakfast?, into parts and state the par, , Analyse the following sentences: (i.e. Break them, h of every word in each part), jlony., tudents from Tarapore tower co, 51. We are good . ++ any brothers at all., , gn genn haven