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Exp.B], KARMAYOGI ENGINEERING COLLEGE,, SHELVE- PANDHARPUR, Name:, Class:, Roll No:, Batch:, Date:, Experiment. No.:, Bernoulli's Experiment, Objective: -Experimental verification if Bernoulli's theorem and find out total head, Apparatus: - Experimental setup, measuring tank, stop watch, Theory: - Bernoulli’s theorem, "In an ideal incompressible fluid when the flow is steady and continuous, the sum of, pressure energy, kinetic energy and potential energy (datum) is constant along the stream, line.", V2 +22, P2 +, %3D, pg 2g, pg 2g, Where,, Pi, = Pressure heąd in meter of the liquid column., pg, = Velocity head in m, 2g, Z1, = Potential head, , Z, = corresponding values at section, Assumptions:-, The following are the assumptions made in derivation of Bernoulli's equation., 1) The flow of liquid is steady and continuous., 2) The fluid is ideal (non viscous) and Incompressible., 3) The flow is-along the streamline, i.e. in one dimensional., 4) The velocity is uniform over the section and is equal to the mean velocity., 5) The only forces acting on the fluid are the gravity forces and the pressure, forces., Limitations of Bernoulli’s equation–, 1) In actual practice, fluid is not ideal fluid .therefore, due to slip condition,, velocity at the fixed boundary. Thus, velocity is not uniform across the, section as assumed., Scanned by CamScanner, 互
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6) Take heter reading., 2) In actual practice, some forces like viscous forces are involved in addition, to gravity and pressure forces., 3) Some energy additions may take places fluid passes from one section to the, other., Procedure:-, 1) Check all connections & valves., 2) start motor, 3) Adjust flow control valve to obtain required height of water in piezometer, tubes., 4) Adjust outlet tank valve to maintain constant head., 2;, 5) By closing discharge measuring tank measure discharge., 6) Take all piezometer reading., %3D, 7) Calculate velocity at different points.(velocity head), 8) Calculate pressure head., 9) Calculate total head., 10) Stop motor., Observations:-Volume of tank = 0.4mX0.3mX0.1m,, Volume of tank = 0.012m³, 3, Time, 2, required for rise of 100 mm = 23 sec, Observation Table:-, Velocity Head Pressure Head, Total head, Piezometer, Discharge, Velocity, Flow Area at, tube, Q=Vol/time, V=Q/A, section (m²), (m’/s), -) (m), 2g, (P) (m), pg 2g, number, (m/s), Pg, (m), 0.025x.02, 1, O-83470.0955, 0.275, 0.3105, O.025X0.022, 0.9485 0.0458, 0.265, 0.3108, 0.025 X0.016, 1.30425|0.08670, 0.232, 0:3197, 0.0 25x0.012, 1739, 0.1541, 01子0, 0.3241, 0.025x0.014, 0.0005217, 1.4906 |0.11 32, 0.173, 0.2862, 6., 0.025x0.016, 1.30425 0.08 67, 0.172, 0.2587, 7, 0.025x0.018, 1.1593, l1593 |0.O68S, 0.196, 0.2645, 0.025 x0.021, 0.99370.0503, 0.197, 0.2473, 9, 0.025x0.023, 0.9073 | 0.0 419, 0.198, 0.239g, Scanned by CamScanner, 2.
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Calculations., Volume, timé, 0.012, %3D, -0.0005217 m/see., 23, of, v, =, 0.000 5217, O:8347, %3D, O.025 XO.028, Co. 8347)², P,, 0.275, 0.0355., 29, exg,81, 0.275 + o.0355 =0:31Os m., 89, 29, ji) Ve =, 0. 00052 17, O.9485, %3D, 0.025 x 0 .02, O.9485, 0.0458, 29, 2 × 9.e1, Pe, 0.265, 0.3108 ·, 0.265+0.0458, 2g, ) V3 =, Calculations:-, Conclusion:-, Dernoullis Theorem is Verified., Scanned by CamScanner, %3D
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EXPERIMENT NO - 04, 23, METACENTRIC HEIGHT, A imon To determine, the metacentri'c, height, of floating bodly, Appara tus :→, floating vesel, moving, weight., Tank 2X3, full of, water, fitted, with, Pointed, graduated, scale, adjus table, on, Theory:-, The mete centric beight of, a floati, can be determined , provided we, ng vesse), know the centre of gravity of the, floating vessel., weight placed, Let wi, is a, known, over the centre of the, vessel, as, Shown, in, the vessel is, floating, Let w= weight of vessel including wi, G = centre of gravity of the vessel, = centre of buoyancy, of the, vessel, is moved acqossthe, The weight, vessel towards, wi, right though a distance, in fig, The Vessel will, is, X as, shown, The angle of hee), of a, be, Hited, Plumbline d, on the vessel, measured by, meas, protractor attached, of gravity of vessel, will Change shift Gi as the weight, The new centre, Scanned by CamScanner