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Test, Total Score, A2 vocab verbs, 57, Questions, 1. abholen: to fetch, We must fetch a taxi for the guest, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 2. abmelden: cancel/sign out, Please dont cancel your plan. We are waiting, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 3. anmelden: to sign in, you must sign in to the website if you want to use its features, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 4. ausgeben: to spend, We must not spend money for useless things, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 5. bedienen: to serve, The waitress serves the guests every day, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 6. beraten: to advise, The doctor advised me to take rest, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 7. erklaeren: to explain, Can you please explain your behavior?, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 8. leisten: to afford, we cannot afford this costly car, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 9. passen: to fit, the new dress fits you good, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 10. pflegen: take care, The nurse takes care of her patients, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 11. pruefen: to check, 1, Laa cla ses /
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Please check your baggage before you exit, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 12. reichen: to suffice, You think this is enough?, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 13. reparieren to repair, Please repait my bicycle. I must go to school, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 14. tanken: refuel, We must refuel our car if we want to go for long travel, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 15. ueberzeugen: to convince, You must convince him to accept the offer, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 16. verbrauchen: to consume, We must drive our car less. It consumes too much petrol, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 17. verlieren: to lose, We have lost the game, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 18. warnen: to warn, My doctor has warned against smoking, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 19. versuchen: to try, We must always try to speak the truth, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, Lalita csses /