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‘Subject Code - 241, , , , ‘Sample Question Paper, , , , CLASS: Xi, Session: 2021-22, Applied Mathematics (Code-241), Term -1, Time Allowed: 90 minutes Maximum Marks: 40, , General instructions:, 1. This question paper contains three sections - A, B and C. Each part is compulsory., 2. Section - A has 20 MCQs, attempt any 16 out of 20., 3. Section - B has 20 MCQs, attempt any 16 out of 20, 4. Section - C has 10 MCQs, attempt any 8 out of 10., 5. There is no internal choice in any section., 6. All Questions carry equal Marks., , , , , , SECTION -A, In this section, attempt any 16 questions out of Questions 1 - 20., Each Question is of 1 mark weightage., , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 7. __] The value of 50, 11, where © is multiplication modulo is 7, @-t wo ©7 @9, 2, | Fortwo distine postive numbers x andy 7, @ xty>2yy OBroy Of? OR >y, 3___[ Apewon can row in sill water atthe rate of 8 Km/h IF takes him thrice as long orow | 1, ‘upstream as to row downstream then the speed of the stream is, (a) 2kmh __(b)3kwh___(c) 4 kh (2) 6 kv, a =4 (mod 3), then a solution for xis 7, m2 or 35, %. | IFAs a square matrix of order 3 and JA = ~2, then Tadj(A)I is equal to 7, @8 2 ©o @4, 6 [ina 3X matrix A, value of ages + Gat, + GzaCq, where Gy isthe cofactor of [7, aiz's, @o OnT wl al, 7. [Iftwo square matrices A and B are such that [AB] = 12 and [BT = 7, IAL is:, @8 ws ©3 @ls, &__ | iFsolving a aystem of Tnear equations in3 variables by Cramer's rile, we get 7, A= 0 and atleast one of Ay, Ay, eis non-zero then the system of linear equations has, (2) no solution () unique solution, (©) infinitely many solutions (€) trivial solution