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STD : VIIIth, SUB : GEOGRAPHY, , MAJOR TEST, DATE : 31-12-2021, , MARKS : 20, TIME : 1 hr, , ( 7. Population, 9. Map Scale), , (Q.I) Fill in the blanks., (2m), 1) The ratio of the map distance to the ground distance is, __________., 2) For many decades only a country's ________ was used for, measuring development., (Q.II) Examine the statements and correct the incorrect ones(2m), 1) The quality of population is determined on the basis of, literacy., 2) Distance are expressed as a ratio of distance on map to the, corresponding distance on ground in the verbal scale., (Q.III) Answer in one or two sentences., (2m), 1) Which are the three ways of expressing the scale on a map?, 2) Write the formula for sex ratio., (Q.IV) Classify maps showing the following areas into small scale, or large scale., (2m), 1) Building, 2) Dispensary, 3) World map, 4) Country of India, , 1
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(Q.V) Answer the questions on the basis of the given table., Sr., No, ., , Country, , (2m), , Percentage of, immigrant population, , 1), , Afghanistan, , 0.14, , 2), , Israel, , 37.87, , 3), , Brazil, , 0.34, , 4), , Bangladesh, , 0.73, , 5), , Kuwait, , 62.11, , 6), , USA, , 12.81, , 7), , Great Britain, , 8.98, , 1) Which countries have more than 20% migrant population?, 2) Write one reason behind the migrant population of more, than 20%., (Q.VI) Write short notes. [ANY 1], 1) Sex ratio, 2) Age structure, , (2m), , (Q.VII) Give Reason., 1) Population is an important resource., 2) Literacy is directly related to development., , (4m), , 2
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(Q.VIII) Answer the following question. [Any 2], (4m), 1) Explain the difference between Large scale and Small scale, maps., 2) Explain any two ways of expressing the scale on a map., 3) What are the aspects considered in the structure of, population., , *****, , 《All the Best》, , 3