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CC1, MARKS-60, , TIME- 2HOURS, , 1. Write a short notes on any four of the following:, , 3*4=12, , a. Meaning of Politics., b. Rousseau’s General Will., c. Concept of Justice., d. “Rights imply duties’- Explain., e. Major tenets of Marxist theory of state., f. Liberalism, , 2. Answer any four questions from the following:, , 6*4=24, , a. Briefly analyze the relationship between Political Science and History., b. How would you differentiate between the state and the government?, c. Briefly compare the relation between Behaviouralism and Post- Behaviouralism., d. Write a note on the functions of the Welfare State., e. Examine the Historical theory regarding the origin of the state., f. Explain the elements of the State., , 3. Answer any two questions from the following:, , 12*2=24, , a. Write a note on nature and scope of Political Science., 6+6, b. What is Sovereignty? Point out the difference between Monistic and Pluralistic theory of, Sovereignty?, 4+8, c. Discuss the theory of Social Contract regarding the origin of the state., d. Explain the concept of Equality. How far Liberty and Equality are compatible with each other?Explain., 6+6