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Ch-Life processes, (only nutrition and respiration), , instructions:-1)ques 1 to 5 carry 2 marks each., , 2)ques 6 to 10 carry 4 marks each., 3)all questions are compulsory., 4) total marks=30, 5)draw neat and clean well labelled diagram with pencil., 6) timing=1hr, , Ques1.->How are the lungs designed in human beings to maximize the area for exchange of, gases?, , Ques2.->Draw well labelled diagram of cross section of leaf?, Ques3.->Describe the process of digestion of fat?, , Ques4.->How is food taken and digested in Amoeba and Paramecium?, Ques5.->how does the opening and closing of stomata takes place?, Ques1.->Describe various pathways of glucose breakdown in organisms?, Ques2.->Describe the well labelled diagram of human digestive system?, Ques3.->How do living things get their food?, , Ques4.->Describe the human respiratory system in human beings?, , Ques5.->Describe digestion in small intestine?