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x R.M. SCHOOL, , IST PERIODIC TEST - 2021 ay aie, , TIME = 1 HR, , CLASS : x SUBJECT : SCIENCE, , SECTION - A (PHYSICS), , Answer the following question in a word ora sentence. (1+1+1=3), (i) Define one ohm., (ii) A cell ona battery is always connected to an electric circuit, Give reason,, (iii) Differentiate between conductor and insulator based on their, resistivity., Why is series combination of electric components not used in domestic, circuit? (2), Find the resultant resistance of three resistors R,,R,,&R, when, they are connected in parallel. (3), On what factor does the resistance ofa conductor depend? Derive an, expression for resistance ofa metallic conductor based on the factor, on which the resistance depends. (2+3=5), OR, Whatis heating effect of electric current? A current ‘Tl’ ampere is, allowed to pass through a resistor of ‘R’ ohm for ‘t’ seconds. Calculate, the amount of heat generated in resistors in joules. How is fuse wire, different from a copper wire? (1+3+1=5), , SECTION - B (CHEMISTRY, , State one limitation of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table,, , Define covalency., , What is meant by metallic character?, , Why do covalent compounds non conducting and have low, , melting and boiling points?, , The given elements belong to the 2nd period of the Periodic Table., , Arrange them according to decreasing order of their atomic size, , Also tell which of the following will have maximum non-metallic, , character. (2), B N Cc li Be O F