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Raj Heights-The Global School, P t_ (2021-22), , Class: XI, Subject: English, , , , MM:40, Time: 1 Hour 30 Minutes, , General Instructions:, , This paper is divided into 3 sections:, , Section A: Reading — 10 marks, , Section B: Writing & Grammar — 15 marks, , Section C: Literature — 15 marks, , - Answer all questions., , - All questions must be correctly numbered as in the question paper. :, , - Attempt all questions in each section before going on to the next section., - Internal choice has been given in a few questions, answer accordingly., , , , SECTION A: (READING) (10 Marks), , QI. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:, , (4 marks), Floods are not new to India and this sub-continent, but in recent years the problem has, received much greater attention perhaps largely because it has led to much greater, damage than in the past. Even though information on the impending occurrence of floods, is now more accurate and certainly more timely, often there is very little time or support, 5 infrastructure in place by which damage can be minimized. This is particularly true in, the case of flash floods resulting from sudden and excessively heavy rain. In the case of, India flooding is very much a function of the seasonal nature of our rainfall. The, monsoons are spread over a short period during the year and often bring a concentrated, volume of rain, which cannot be absorbed by the earth and finds outlet only in the form, 10 of streams that join up with our major river systems. But, flooding is not confined, only to the main rivers of the country, often smaller tributaries and streams can cause, heavy damage as well. Once these streams spill over their banks they could cause, excessive harm, mainly because those living near the banks of these streams particularly, in mountain areas do not have easy recourse to moving away quickly. One major factor, 15 that could lead to a higher severity of flooding in the future is the danger of climate, change. While the evidence of the nature of impacts resulting from climate change on, precipitation and flooding at the regional level is not entirely clear, it could happen that, the Indian subcontinent witnesses and suffe if uae, pattern of monsoons. One set of scientist 7 et, 20 shorter in duration,, would take place in ei Bee az