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3E, iT, , , , SECTION B, , , , , , Answer any 02 questions out of the given 03 questions, Reema wants to check whether the number is even or not but the code below is, , givingerrors. underline the errors and help her write the correct code., , , , Q23 | ifGint num%2-0);, , | {jTextFieldl setTexi(“ever, )Else, , | TextField! setText(“odd”), Consider the table, , , , , , , , Table, EXAM, No. Name Stipend Subject Average Division, 1 Babita 400 nglish 15 FIRST, Silky 680 Maths 24 FIRST, Jyoti 50 Accounts 35 FIRST, 4 Archana 200 1P 20 SECOND., Q24 | 5 andha 400 History 10 THIRD, 6 Suparna Geo 5 THIRD, 7 Ankit History 10 THIRD, , , , A) To list the names of those students, who have obtained Division as FIRST, B)To display records listing NAME, SUBJECT for stipend between 400 to 800., C)Remove the column division, , D)To create a database by the name SCHOOL. __, , }esign a GUI application to acc pt the side of a squar in a text field and, calculate thearea and perimeter of the square. Add Refresh button to clear all, text fields and a Stopbutton to end the application., , , , , , , , Hint [Area of a square = side * side and perimeter = 2(side +side)], , , , TSCAM given below, Weite commands in MySql for @)to(V) |