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R. G. S. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, Diploma in Pharmacy (Part -II) Class test 2021 - 22, , , , Sub. Code: 2.4 ‘Time: 1 hr., Sub, Name: Pharmaceutical jurisprudence Max. Mark: 20, Section - A, 1. Attempt all questions. (10x1=10), a. Define the term Drug according to Drug and cosmetics ac, 1940., , Definition of misbranded drug., , c. What is the meaning of spurious drug?, , d. Describe the term Drug Inspector., , e. Define cosmetic., , f. Schedule’0’ stads for., , 8. Give the examples of schedule ‘C' and, , fh. What is schedule ‘M’., , i. Write about Schedule ‘N’., , j. Define Government Analyst., , Section -B, , 2. Attempt any two questions. (2%2.5=5), , a. Give different administrative bodies of D and C Act, 1940., b. Qualification and duties of Government Analyst., ¢. Give the offences and penalties under drug and cosmetics act, 1940., , Section — C, 3. Attempt any one question, (1x5=05), , a. What is DTAB? Give the members and functions of DTAB., b. Give the qualification and duties of drug inspector as per D&C Act, 1940.