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Ue $1 97% MM 7:16 am, , €__ AScience-co..... A. &, , , , FINAL EXAMINATION 2021.22, , , , , , , , , , , , Class: IV, Subject: Science, A. Choose the correct options: Bed, 1). The roots of trees:, a) Hold the soil b) do not hold the soil 6) Prevent soil erosion d) both a) and b), 2) Cutting down trees in large number is:, a) Afforestation b) deforestation _—_) erosion 4) oxygen, 3) We celebrate the World Environment Day on:, a) 5% June b) 5 July ) 5 August 4) 5% September, 4), Gentle wind is called:, a) Gale b) storm c) breeze 4) thunder, 5) Which one of the following planets is the closest to the sun?, a) Verus b) Mercury c) Earth 4) Mars, 6) Aplanet with rings:, a). Uranus b) Saturn ) Mars 4) Jupiter, 7). The axis of the Earth is:, a) Straight b) curved 6) tilted 4) long, 8) Water exists in nature as:, a) Snow ») liquid water c) water vapour 4) all of th, B. Match the following:, 1) Wind a) Gale, 2) Gentle wind b) moving air, 3) Strong wing ¢) Thunderstorm, 4) Very strong wind 4) Breeze, 5) Storm with lightning and thunder ¢) Storm, , C, Write T for True and F for False statement:, 1) Mercury is also called the hottest planet., 2) Saturn has several rings around its middle, , 3) The moon has a dense atmosphere., , 4) The Earth takes about a year to rotate once on its axis., 5) The revolution of the Earth causes day and night,, , D. Very short answer type question, , , , , , , , , , 1) The movement of the earth around the sun., 2) The movement of the earth on its axis., 3) The amount of water-vapour present in the air, 4) A blanket of air surrounding our earth., 5). The red planet, 6) The largest planet., 7) An imaginary line that divides the Earth into two equal halves., 8) Glowing balls of gases that spread out heat and light in space., Unjumble the words to find out the answer: Sem, 1) Trees hold the OILSn b) Trees release YGOXNE. _¢) Trees give us PRPEA _d) We should not AWETS, F. Short answer questions: 2x8-16, 1) Define weather., 2) What do you understand by chlorination?, 3) What is the solar system?, 4) Define a satellite. Name the Earth’s natural satellite, 5) Name the eight planets in order from the sun., 6) When I's Van Mahotsav celebrated>, 7) What is deforestation?, 8) What happen on the World Environment Day?, Complete the concept map: 3, H. Long answer questions: 4x2=8, 1) What is wind? How are winds caused?, 2). Write two ways in which you can help save trees and the Barth, 1. What causes day and night? Draw a di, , , , , , , , , , J. Draw any one of them:, a) The Solar Syatem OR bj Water Cycle