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ST. FRANCIS XAVIER HIGH SCHOOL, MAPUSA, ASSESSMENT - I, DECEMBER 2021, , Std: VII Marks: 10, Subject: Geography Time: 2 Hr, Q.L A. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct alternative from those given (1), below:, 1. When the water on the surface of the ocean rises and falls alternately, it is, called :, a) waves b) tides c) ocean currents, 2. When droplets of water become too heavy to float in the air, they come, down as ‘, a) vapour b) precipitation c) tsunami, Q. IL. A. Answer the following questions in 15-20 words each: (2), 1, What is water cycle?, What factors affect the height of the waves?, B. Answer the following questions in 20-30 words each: (4), 1. Distinguish between Spring Tides and Neap Tides., 2. Mention any two causes for the deteriorating quality of water., Q.1. Answer the following question: (3), 1. Write the importance of high tides. (Three Points)