Revision Questions:----
Answer the following questions:---
a. When was UN Charter signed?
b. When did the UN officially come into existence?
c. Where are the headquarters of UN?
d. Describe the flag of the UN.
e. What are official languages of the UN?
e. Write any three aims of the UN.
f. Write the Principal organs of the UN.
g. Writ any three functions of the General Assembly.
h. Write the composition of the Security Council.
i. How many judges are there in the International Court of Justice?
j. Who elects the Secretariat of the UN?
k. Who is the present Secretary General of the UN?
l. Writ the full form of the following:--
m. When did the UNICEF establish? What was the main aim of this organization?
n. Write any two functions of the UNESCO.
o. Where are the headquarters of UNICEF?
p. Where is the European office of the UN?