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Class-8 Science Revision test 3 Date:21Jan2022. Time:35 min. There are 4 questions attempt all the questions in good handwriting Q1:Choose the correct answer for each of the following.(5×1=5) 1.Which one of the following statements is correct regarding rods and cones in the human eye? (a) Cones are sensitive to dim light (b) Cones are sensitive to bright light (c) Rods are sensitive to bright light (d) Rods can sense colour 2.The defect due to which a person is not able to see the distant objects clearly: (a) Myopia (b) Hypermetropia (c) Cornea (d) Cataract 3.Maximum part of light is reflected by (a) opaque object (b) translucent object (c) transparent object (d) all of these 4.The back side of a plane mirror contains (a) gold coating (b) silver coating (c) aluminium coating (d) copper coating 5.There are ________ laws of reflection. (a) one (b) two (c) three (d) four Q2: Fill in the blanks. (5×1=5) 1.When two mirrors are kept parallel to each other the number of images is _____________. 2.Kaleidoscope works on the principle of __________. 3.The coloured part of eye is _________. 4.________ can be corrected by using a concave lens of suitable focal length. 5.The English Braille system uses _________ dots. Q3:Write short notes on any one. (3×1=3) 1.characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror 2.near point and far point of eye. 3.diverging lens Q4:Match the items in column A with column B. ( 5×1=5) A. B. (a)white light (i) convex mirror (b) refraction (ii)concave mirror (c) virtual images (iii) refraction (d) real images. (iv) spectrum (e) prism (v)ray of light from. glass to air
Jan 20, 10:22 PM
50 minutes
Jan 20, 11:12 PM
Maximum marks
18.0 marks
Question type